Lonely dolphins may be responsible for human attacks, according to experts.

Japanese researchers suggest that a dolphin responsible for attacking swimmers may be feeling lonely and sexually frustrated.

August 27th 2024.

Lonely dolphins may be responsible for human attacks, according to experts.
Recent reports have revealed a troubling situation involving a dolphin in Japan. This particular dolphin has been accused of attacking swimmers, causing harm and even requiring stitches for one unfortunate child. The incidents have been occurring near the town of Mihama, with a total of 18 attacks reported this year alone. This has caused concern among researchers and experts who are trying to understand the cause behind such aggressive behavior.

According to Tadamichi Morisaka, a cetology professor at Japan's Mie University, the dolphin in question may be suffering from loneliness and sexual frustration. Professor Morisaka has identified the dolphin as the same one seen alone in another area, which is rare for dolphins who typically move in groups. He also explained that male bottlenose dolphins communicate through "play-biting" and are not intentionally trying to harm humans.

Dr Simon Allen, a biologist and principal investigator with the Shark Bay Dolphin Research project, also weighed in on the situation. He suggested that the dolphin may have been ostracized from its own community and is seeking alternative companionship. Just like in humans and other social animals, hormonal fluctuations and sexual frustration can drive animals to behave aggressively. And since dolphins are powerful creatures, this can result in serious injuries for humans.

It is a sad reality that animals, just like humans, can also experience emotions and struggles that can lead to harmful behavior. It is important for us to understand and address these issues in order to prevent further harm to both animals and humans. As the investigation continues, we must also remember to respect and maintain a safe distance from these wild animals to avoid any potential conflicts.

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