Living a healthy lifestyle can make you more attractive to potential employers.

Black men face health risks; fitness helps them succeed professionally.

November 28th 2023.

Living a healthy lifestyle can make you more attractive to potential employers.
We all know that having a successful career is important for financial stability. But what many of us don't realize is that our health is just as important for achieving career success. A World Health Organization study has found that 3.2 million deaths annually can be attributed to a lack of physical activity, making it nearly four times the number of people who die in traffic accidents.

Dr. John Whyte, vice president of health and medical education at Discovery Channel, suggests that there are biases and stigmas that come with being physically fit. He explains that we often form opinions about the seven-day-a-week gym rat, as well as those who struggle with their weight. This idea is especially true in the job market, with people who are physically fit usually having a better chance of getting the job.

When it comes to African American males, obesity is on the rise, which is correlated with an increase in diabetes and heart disease. These health conditions can lead to difficulty in mobility, mood, and memory, which can ultimately affect their job marketability. To avoid these issues, Dr. Whyte emphasizes the importance of maximizing one's health and having a consistent exercise routine.

Research done by Harvard School of Public Health has also shown that African American workers, particularly professionals, are more likely to have "short sleep" and be at risk of occupational injuries. Therefore, it's important to look refreshed and healthy when attending job interviews.

Finally, studies suggest that people who are overweight or obese make less money than those who are physically fit. This could be due to the biases and stigmas that come with physical fitness. Therefore, adding a fitness routine to your weekly planner could have a positive effect on your career and lifetime earnings.

At the end of the day, it's important to remember that improving your health and fitness can provide you with better career advancement opportunities and higher lifetime earnings. So don't neglect your health and fitness goals in pursuit of career success.

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