Nearly 100 candidates with criminal records are running in the second phase of Lok Sabha and Assembly elections in Odisha.

87 out of 265 candidates for Assembly seats and 12 out of 40 candidates for Lok Sabha seats in Odisha have criminal cases against them, says the Odisha Election Watch Report by ADR.

May 16th 2024.

Nearly 100 candidates with criminal records are running in the second phase of Lok Sabha and Assembly elections in Odisha.
The upcoming elections in Odisha have been a topic of discussion, with some concerning statistics coming to light. According to the Odisha Election Watch Report, out of the 265 candidates contesting for 35 Assembly seats and 40 candidates contesting for 5 Lok Sabha seats, a staggering 87 and 12 respectively have declared criminal cases against them. This information was revealed by the Odisha Election Watch, in partnership with the Association of Democratic Reform, after analyzing the case record of all the candidates in the fray.

The polling for these seats is scheduled for May 20, and the report has raised concerns about the high percentage of candidates with criminal backgrounds. It was found that almost 30% of the Lok Sabha candidates and 33% of the Assembly candidates have pending criminal cases against them. In fact, in 8 of the 35 Assembly seats, 1 out of every 3 candidates has a serious criminal case registered against them.

The report also delved into the nature of these criminal cases and revealed some alarming details. One Lok Sabha candidate has admitted to having a case of murder against them, while 4 others have cases of attempted murder. Additionally, 4 candidates have criminal cases related to violence against women. The report also looked at the political party affiliations of the candidates with criminal records and found that the BJP has the highest number of such candidates, with 4 in the Lok Sabha and 28 in the Assembly.

Interestingly, 2 independent candidates also have criminal cases against them, highlighting that this issue is not limited to any particular party. Furthermore, the report highlighted that 14 out of the 35 Assembly seats have been declared as "Red Alert" constituencies, where more than 3 candidates have criminal cases pending against them. This includes the constituencies of Hinjili and Kantabanji, which are being contested by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik.

The report serves as a reminder that the issue of criminalization in politics is still prevalent and needs to be addressed. It is important for voters to be aware of the backgrounds of the candidates they are voting for and make informed decisions. The future of our democracy depends on the integrity and accountability of our elected representatives, and it is crucial for the authorities to take necessary actions to ensure clean and fair elections.

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