Lightning strike survivor shares experience moments after being struck.

Doctors were amazed he survived without serious harm.

September 12th 2024.

Lightning strike survivor shares experience moments after being struck.
Pavel, a Russian tourist, was enjoying a lively dance on a pier in the beautiful Georgian resort of Batumi when suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck him. It was a terrifying moment as cameras captured the shocking incident. As he fell to the ground, he thought he was facing certain death.

In that split second, Pavel saw a tunnel of light and felt like he was in Hell. He couldn't breathe and his body felt like it was on fire. He thought he would either suffocate or burn to death. Miraculously, he survived the strike and was left with severe burns on his feet and body hair.

Pavel was on holiday with his brother and a friend, who were unharmed by the lightning bolt. His brother quickly put out the flames on his burning T-shirt and called an ambulance. When he regained consciousness, Pavel was convinced that he was left disabled.

He was in excruciating pain from the burns and had lost sensation in his limbs. He could only move one arm normally, and the rest of his body was uncontrollable. He felt like he couldn't catch his breath and thought he was about to die.

But thankfully, doctors told him that he was not seriously injured and would be able to go home in a few days. His sneakers were torn apart by the strike, and his skin was badly burned. He even joked that his shorts looked like they were shot with a gun.

Despite the terrifying experience, Pavel considers himself lucky to have survived. He believes it was a miraculous escape and is grateful to be alive. The doctors were amazed that he wasn't killed or left with severe injuries. It was truly a miracle.

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