Liam Gallagher criticized for excessive security measures in building large wall.

The neighbors are worried.

July 30th 2024.

Liam Gallagher criticized for excessive security measures in building large wall.
Liam Gallagher, the iconic front man of Oasis, has recently put forth plans to make some significant changes to his stunning property in Highgate. The £4million residence has caught the attention of many, stirring up a bit of controversy in the process.

The proposed renovations include a new boundary wall, entrance gates, a swimming pool, and a pool plant. While these additions may seem like a dream come true for Gallagher, they have been met with resistance from local conservationists. Their concern lies in the potential impact on the neighborhood's character and the nearby ancient woodland of Highgate Wood.

Gallagher's main aim with these plans is to enhance the security and privacy of his mock Tudor home. According to his planning agent's comments to the Daily Mail, the current setup does not provide the necessary levels of security. However, Michael Hammerson, representing The Highgate Society, has formally objected to the proposed changes, stating that they would take away from the open and green feel of the area. He also worries that it could set a precedent for future developments that may not be in line with the neighborhood's aesthetic.

In his objection, Hammerson reminds us of the importance of the existing open and green front boundary, which is a crucial part of the current street scene. He argues that approving these changes could have a negative impact on the entire Neighbourhood Plan area. Additionally, he points out that the proposed wall and gate would disrupt the current aesthetic of the street, setting a potentially harmful precedent for future developments.

The Highgate Society also questions the necessity of the proposed enhancements, labeling the desire for increased privacy and security as irrelevant. They also bring up concerns about the impact of the swimming pool on nearby properties and the water table. One particular property, a listed building that was originally built for the 1924 Wembley Exhibition and later moved to Highgate, could be greatly affected by these plans.

In response, Gallagher has stated that many surrounding homes already have swimming pools, and his property should not be an exception. The council, however, remains cautious and will be reviewing his application and the objections raised by The Highgate Society in the near future.

Highgate, a picturesque and affluent part of North London, is known for its strict planning permissions due to the area's historic significance. It is no surprise that Gallagher's plans have sparked some controversy, considering the area's reputation. We will have to wait and see what the council's planning committee decides.

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