Large number of people experience extremely cold weather in morning due to extreme winter weather.

It was very cold yesterday and it will probably get even colder soon.

June 17th 2024.

Large number of people experience extremely cold weather in morning due to extreme winter weather.
Yesterday, the majority of Australia was hit with freezing temperatures, and it looks like there's more to come in the following days. According to Weatherzone, this sudden cold snap is a result of a stationary high-pressure ridge that is affecting the eastern and south-eastern parts of the country. This has caused some areas to experience their coldest temperatures in two to four years. In fact, one of the lowest recorded temperatures yesterday morning was -4.8 degrees in Yunta, South Australia. This was the coldest it has been in four years at that location.

Other regions were also affected by the frigid weather. Canberra dropped to -3.8 degrees, while Thredbo in New South Wales recorded -3.6 degrees. Even Mount Hotham in Victoria experienced a significant drop in temperature at -3.7 degrees. In Tasmania, Wynyard recorded a low of -2.4 degrees, and even in Roma, Queensland, temperatures dropped to -1 degree. It seems like no part of the country was spared from the freezing conditions.

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like things will warm up anytime soon. Weatherzone predicts that more sub-zero temperatures are expected in the south-eastern and eastern parts of Australia until Thursday morning. In fact, it could even get colder, with temperatures possibly reaching -5 degrees. It's definitely a good idea to bundle up and stay warm during this cold spell.

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