Kyle Viljoen suffers a traumatic medical emergency and is diagnosed with a rare disorder.

I had no idea the fight ahead would be the most difficult physical ordeal I'd ever face.

October 2nd 2023.

Kyle Viljoen suffers a traumatic medical emergency and is diagnosed with a rare disorder.
I never expected the battle I was about to face to be the most painful and traumatic experience of my life. Last Sunday night, I and my fiancé Dr. Zachary Riley had an unexpected journey when I started to feel unwell after starting a new medication.

Little did I know that I was about to face a battle that would be the hardest thing I ever had to go through. As the days passed, my throat started to hurt more and more, and the pain spread to my mouth, lips, hands, and feet. I went to a walk-in clinic and was diagnosed with hand, foot and mouth disease, and sent home.

However, the blisters on my body got worse, I was unable to swallow, my tongue had swollen, and my vision had been affected. With no sign of relief on Friday, my fiancé took me to the ER at NYU. Once I was there, I was rushed by medical staff for examination.

After the examination I was told that I had a condition called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a rare and serious disorder of the skin and mucous membranes. It is treated as a medical emergency and requires hospitalization. It typically starts with flu-like symptoms, followed by a painful rash that spreads with bursting and oozing blisters. Afterward, the top layer of the affected skin dies and sheds. It is treated with intensive IVIG transfusions and medical treatment.

With the help of an incredible medical staff, a loving fiancé, and the support of friends and family, I’m on the path to recovery. After eating my first meal in seven days and finding that coconut milk helps with mouth blisters, I am feeling much more optimistic.

This experience has taught me a few important lessons. First, always advocate for your health and take your body seriously. If something doesn’t feel right, seek treatment. Second, family and a support system is everything and without it, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Finally, try to get through tough times with love and lots of laughter.

I shared images of my painful blisters and bloody lips on Instagram, with a trigger warning to accompany it. I was overwhelmed with the outpouring of support and kind messages I received. It was a reminder of how important it is to have a strong network of people around us.

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