Koulibaly praises Real Madrid's star player before Chelsea's Champions League match against them.

Koulibaly knows it won't be easy.

April 11th 2023.

Koulibaly praises Real Madrid's star player before Chelsea's Champions League match against them.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Kalidou Koulibaly is confident that Chelsea can overcome Real Madrid

Kalidou Koulibaly has expressed faith in Chelsea's ability to overcome the mighty Real Madrid in the Champions League quarter-finals. The Senegalese defender, who has praised Real's striker Karim Benzema as one of the world's best, believes that the Blues have the potential to get past the reigning European champions. Koulibaly believes that Chelsea have the quality and determination to succeed, and that the team's manager and players are ready to take on the challenge. With the support of their fans, he is confident that Chelsea will rise to the occasion and make history.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Kalidou Koulibaly is confident in Chelsea's ability to overcome Real Madrid

Kalidou Koulibaly has expressed his belief in Chelsea's ability to get past Real Madrid in the Champions League quarter-final, praising Karim Benzema as one of the world's best strikers. Koulibaly believes that with the support of his team-mates and manager Frank Lampard, the Blues can prevail in what will be a tough test against the current Champions League holders.

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