Kevin Bacon won't bust out his famous Footloose moves whenever someone asks because he's not a performing animal.

That's acceptable.

July 2nd 2024.

Kevin Bacon won't bust out his famous Footloose moves whenever someone asks because he's not a performing animal.
Actor Kevin Bacon recently opened up about his iconic role in the 1984 film Footloose and his new role as a corrupt law enforcer in the sequel Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F. The 65-year-old has been gracing our screens for decades, with memorable performances in films like Tremors and A Few Good Men.

In an interview, Kevin discussed his refusal to perform his famous dance moves on command, the challenges of longevity in the tough entertainment industry, and the secret to his successful marriage with actress Kyra Sedgwick.

When asked about his relationship with co-star Eddie Murphy, Kevin admitted that they didn't know each other before working together on the new Beverly Hills Cop film. However, he mentioned that they both have been in the industry for a long time and have crossed paths before.

Speaking about the new sequel, Kevin shared his excitement for the film, which he described as having a gritty and 80s feel, similar to the original. He also praised the film's use of practical stunts instead of relying on digital effects, which he believes adds to the authenticity of the movie.

Kevin also discussed his approach to playing villains, like his character Captain Grant in Beverly Hills Cop. He clarified that he doesn't actively seek out these roles, but rather focuses on understanding the character and their complexities.

As the conversation turned to Footloose, which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, Kevin reflected on the impact of the film on his career. He also acknowledged the significance of the film for co-star Eddie Murphy, whose film 48 Hrs. was released in the same year.

When asked if he still gets asked to do the famous Footloose dance at weddings, Kevin laughed and admitted that he hasn't been to a wedding in a while, but he wouldn't be surprised if people still request it.

Speaking about his charity organization Six Degrees, which was inspired by the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" game, Kevin expressed his appreciation for the positive impact it has had. However, he also mentioned that he's not fond of being asked to do the Footloose dance on command, as he believes he's not a "trained monkey."

The conversation then shifted to the topic of longevity in Hollywood, to which Kevin replied that simply hanging in and continuously improving is the key. He also mentioned that eventually, one's age and appearance will align with the roles offered to them.

Finally, Kevin was asked about his successful marriage with Kyra Sedgwick, to which he replied that there is no secret. He explained that they simply take it one day at a time and enjoy spending time together.

Kevin also reflected on his childhood dream of becoming an architect, similar to his father. He mentioned his love for architecture and design but admitted that acting has always been his passion and he never had a "Plan B."

The interview ended with a mention of the new Beverly Hills Cop film, which will be available on Netflix. Kevin expressed his excitement for fans to see the film and encouraged them to watch it.

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