Discover what the upcoming week has in store for you with your tarot horoscope reading for June 24-30.

Prepare for the upcoming week.

June 23rd 2024.

Discover what the upcoming week has in store for you with your tarot horoscope reading for June 24-30.
Are you prepared for the upcoming week? The Full Moon in Capricorn has just passed and now we have a Saturn retrograde on our hands. The energy this week is calling for serious introspection. It's time to take a step back and re-evaluate recent events, decisions, and actions with a critical and objective eye. Are you satisfied with your choices? Do you need to make any adjustments? Are you on the right track? How do you truly feel about everything?

Use the strong influence of Saturn to test your confidence in your priorities and how you have been handling them. Maybe everything is already perfect, but perhaps a few tweaks and changes can make things even better. Keep an open mind and let the tarot guide you towards what may need some fine-tuning this week.

Aries, it seems like you are almost at the finish line. The Eight of Coins is your tarot card for this week, and it signifies a feeling of wanting to give up on a long-term project, role, or relationship that has become challenging. You may feel like your efforts have gone unnoticed and you are starting to feel tired of it all. But don't give up just yet. This week, muster up the courage to confront the situation head on and make a change. Try something new and bring a fresh perspective to it. You will be rewarded with a breakthrough.

Taurus, the Three of Swords is your tarot card for this week. It suggests that you may have been hurt by someone close to you this year, and although you may have forgiven them, it still bothers you. Take a step back and observe their behavior. Maybe some distance will give you a clearer view of the situation. Reflect on your dynamics and put yourself in their shoes. It may be time to re-evaluate your decision to forgive and forget.

Gemini, the Ten of Cups is your tarot card for this week, and it's calling for you to focus on your love life. During this Saturn retrograde, take a moment to think about how you approach your romantic relationships. Are you fully invested? Do you give it the same attention as other areas of your life? Imagine the amazing things that could come from putting your whole self into your love life. This week, put all your energy and creativity into your relationships and see the results.

For Cancer, the Queen of Coins is your tarot card for this week. Take a look at the resolutions you made back in 2024 and have yet to act upon. These may include areas such as your health, wealth, work, or home. It's easy to put these things off when life gets busy, but remember that these resolutions were meant to benefit you. Choose one that still feels important and commit to working on it this week. Put yourself and your future first for a change.

The Chariot is the tarot card for Leo this week, and it's urging you to think about your location and journeys. You may have been contemplating where you want to live, visit, or work, and you still haven't come to a firm decision. The key here is to focus on your purpose. Let your desires and goals guide you in making this decision. There is something linked to your location that will lead you to your destiny, but it all starts with your purpose.

Virgo, the Page of Swords is your tarot card for this week, and it's a reminder to review any decisions you may have made in haste or under pressure. You may have changed your mind about something or realized that an opportunity was too good to be true. Take a look back at the outcomes and ask yourself if it was worth it. If not, it's okay to redirect your time and energy towards something more worthwhile. Learn from this experience and make a new choice.
Are you prepared for the upcoming week? The Full Moon in Capricorn is quickly followed by a Saturn retrograde, bringing about a serious and reflective energy. It's a good time to take a step back and reassess recent events, decisions, and activities with a critical and objective eye. Are you happy with how things have been going? Do you need to make some adjustments? Is everything on track? These are important questions to ask yourself this week.

The influence of Saturn can help you gain confidence in your priorities and the way you have been going about them. Perhaps everything is already perfect, or maybe a few tweaks and adjustments can make it even better. Stay open-minded and let the guidance of the tarot show you what may need some fine-tuning this week.

Now, let's take a look at what's in store for each zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 to April 20)
You're almost there, Aries! The tarot card for you this week is the Eight of Coins, indicating that you may have been tempted to give up on a long-term project, role, or relationship that has become challenging. Perhaps your efforts have gone unrewarded or unnoticed, and you're feeling exhausted. But don't quit just yet. Instead, summon your inner strength and confront the situation head-on. Try something new and bring a fresh energy to it, and you'll see a breakthrough.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21)
The Three of Swords is your tarot card for the week, Taurus. This card suggests that you may have been hurt by someone close to you this year, and although you may have forgiven them, it still bothers you. Take some time to step back and observe the situation from a distance. See things from their perspective and reflect on your own actions. It may be time to review your decision to forgive and forget.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21)
The Ten of Cups is your tarot card this week, Gemini, which indicates that your love life will be in the spotlight during this retrograde period. You may have a tendency to be casual or distracted when it comes to your romantic relationships, but now is the time to give it your all. Imagine the possibilities if you put your full self, creativity, insight, and wit into your love life. You may see dramatic results.

Cancer (June 22 to July 23)
The Queen of Coins is your tarot card for the week, Cancer. This card reminds you to look back at the resolutions you made in 2024 and see if you have actually started working on them. It could be related to your health, finances, career, or home. Don't let the busyness of life hold you back from prioritizing your own well-being and future. Pick one resolution and commit to working on it this week.

Leo (July 24 to August 23)
The Chariot is your tarot card for the week, Leo. You have been thinking a lot about location and travel, but you may still be unsure about where you truly want to be. The Chariot asks you to consider your purpose and what you truly want to achieve. This will guide your decisions and lead you to your destiny. Don't forget that your purpose is the driving force behind your journey.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23)
The Page of Swords is your tarot card for the week, Virgo. This card suggests that a decision you made in haste or under pressure may need to be reevaluated. It could be linked to a change in opinion, an argument, or an opportunity that seemed too good to be true. Take a look at the outcomes and decide if it's worth continuing to invest your time and energy in this direction. You may need to redirect your focus to something more worthwhile. Remember, every experience is a lesson and can guide you to make better choices in the future.

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