Kamala Harris reaches out to families of Sonya Massey and D’Vontaye Mitchell.

Harris left a voicemail for Mitchell's mother, Brenda Giles.

July 29th 2024.

Kamala Harris reaches out to families of Sonya Massey and D’Vontaye Mitchell.
During her busy presidential campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris made time to reach out to the families of Sonya Massey and D’Vontaye Mitchell, two recent victims of racism and police brutality. She wanted to personally extend her heartfelt condolences to them.

Harris spoke with Massey's family on July 26th, shortly after disturbing body cam footage was released showing the fatal shooting of the 36-year-old woman by a former Illinois Sheriff deputy. Massey had called the authorities for help with a suspected prowler in her home, but instead, she was tragically killed in her own kitchen. Harris assured Massey's father, James Wilburn, that she stood with the family and was deeply saddened by the senseless violence.

Massey's cousin, Shadia, was also moved by Harris' call, stating that it meant the world to their family. She was overwhelmed by the Vice President's personal touch and felt that it showed her genuine care and concern. Shadia even mentioned that this call solidified her vote for Harris in the upcoming election.

Harris also left a voicemail for Brenda Giles, the mother of D'Vontaye Mitchell, who lost his life after being restrained and beaten by security guards outside a hotel in Milwaukee. In the voicemail, Harris expressed her condolences and her sadness over the tragic way Mitchell died. She also mentioned her support for attorney Ben Crump, who is representing Mitchell's family, and her desire for justice to be served.

In another emotional call, Harris spoke with Malachi Hill Massey, the 17-year-old son of Sonya Massey. The grieving son was overcome with emotion and expressed that he had no words to describe his pain. Harris showed her compassion and motherly concern for him, despite being attacked by a political opponent for not having children of her own.

President Joe Biden also released a statement addressing Massey's death and calling for justice. He urged Congress to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, a police reform bill named after the Black man killed by a police officer in 2020. Harris' commitment to civil rights and justice was evident in her actions and her dedication to the cause.

Attorney Crump emphasized that this was not the first time Harris had personally reached out to a family he represents. He commended her for taking the time to show her support and care for the Black community, even with her busy schedule as Vice President.

Despite the demands of her presidential campaign, Harris continues to fight for important issues like reproductive rights. Her actions and compassion towards the families of victims of police brutality show her dedication to the cause and her true character.

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