Julian Clary has had three close calls with death while performing on stage.

What a spectacular way to end things!

October 9th 2024.

Julian Clary has had three close calls with death while performing on stage.
Julian Clary, a seasoned performer in show business, has had his fair share of close calls while entertaining live audiences. Despite his expertise and years of experience, not everything always goes according to plan.

For over three decades, Julian has graced the stage in numerous stage shows and pantomimes, and in 2024, he will return to the London Palladium for his ninth year. However, this time, he will be hoping to avoid any brushes with mortality.

In a recent interview with Metro, Julian reflected on the three times he has almost met his maker while performing in front of a live audience. The 65-year-old comedian admitted that he has had "several brushes with death" throughout his career.

One of the incidents Julian recalls is when a glitterball, which was suspended above the stage, came loose and crashed to the ground just inches away from him. He also recounted a time in Australia when the same glitterball fell onto a woman in the front row, causing severe injuries. Despite the terrifying experiences, Julian couldn't help but joke, "what a way to go!"

The comedian also shared a nerve-wracking moment during a pantomime where he had to descend to the stage on a giant swing. With lights and pieces of scenery surrounding him, Julian couldn't help but think about the potential dangers of the situation.

After years of performing, one of Julian's upcoming projects is a novel set in the world of theatre. Titled "Curtain Call to Murder," the book is a murder mystery that takes place in the theatre, a place Julian considers to be quite dangerous. He admits that with all the heavy weights and lights above, it would be easy to harm someone.

In addition to his successful career as a performer and writer, Julian is also known for his advocacy for diversity and inclusivity. He believes in writing about what he knows and has frequently used his platform to uplift marginalized communities.

In his personal life, Julian has been happily married for almost 10 years. Reflecting on his journey, he acknowledges that he never thought he would have the opportunity to live openly and happily with his husband. However, he is grateful for the progress and diversity he has witnessed in his lifetime.

As for his writing, Julian doesn't feel the need to compare himself to other celebrity authors or outdo his previous achievements. He believes in finding pleasure in his work and not getting caught up in the pressure to top himself. Julian's new book, "Curtain Call to Murder," will be released on October 10, and he couldn't be more proud.

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