John Setka steps down from his role as leader of CFMEU Victoria.

Controversial person reveals news before collaborative investigation by media outlets.

July 12th 2024.

John Setka steps down from his role as leader of CFMEU Victoria.
The news of John Setka's resignation as the CFMEU's Victorian secretary has caused quite a stir. According to the union, Setka's decision is effective immediately. This comes right before a joint investigation by 9News, 60 Minutes, and The Age is set to be published this weekend, which reportedly contains serious allegations of misconduct by some union members.

Mark Santomartino, a reporter for 9News Melbourne, revealed that Setka had been sent a list of questions regarding recordings and text messages that are set to be published this weekend. The tension is palpable as the union braces for the potential fallout of these allegations.

In his official statement, Setka expressed his frustration with the constant negative media coverage and the toll it has taken on the union. He has served as a union official for almost 40 years, with the last 12 years as Secretary. However, the ongoing and relentless stories, whether true or not, have taken a toll on him and the union's reputation.

Setka stated, "These stories have been constant, and while I've been the target of many of them, enough is enough. The ongoing false allegations continually do nothing but harm the work this great union does for its members." He believes that stepping down may put a stop to these malicious attacks and allow the union to focus on its important work of fighting for its members' rights and safety.

The CFMEU has faced allegations of misconduct in the past, particularly involving Setka. In an interview with Santomartino, Setka maintained his innocence and insisted that he and his senior officials have done nothing wrong. He also expressed his hope that stepping down earlier may stop the barrage of false accusations and stories about the union.

Setka's resignation was originally planned for the next union election in late 2021, but it has now been brought forward. In his video interview, he stated that "no individual is greater than the union," emphasizing his belief that the union's work is more important than any individual leader.

In conclusion, Setka's resignation has caused a stir within the union, but he believes it is for the greater good. He trusts that the National Office and Victorian Executive will continue the important work of the CFMEU for its members. Setka expressed his gratitude to the union members, saying, "To the members of the CFMEU, you have made me incredibly proud, and it has been an honour and privilege to be your secretary, for that I say thank you."

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