January 27th 2025.
Lately, it seems like John has been showing more and more of his dark side. In a recent episode of Emmerdale that hasn't aired on ITV yet, but is available to view on ITVX, things took a dramatic turn. The episode contained spoilers, so proceed with caution.
Fans have been suspicious of John for a while now, and it seems like their suspicions were confirmed when Anthony Fox, a known sex abuser, was murdered. It turns out that Anthony had raped his daughter Ruby when she was just a child. This shocking revelation sent shockwaves through the village, and one person who was particularly affected was Aaron Dingle.
Aaron, who had also been a victim of sexual abuse, recognized his own fear in Ruby and decided to confront Anthony. He even told Anthony about his own past, revealing that his own father had abused him. But before Aaron could drive Anthony to the police station, things took a violent turn. Aaron ended up attacking Anthony in a fit of rage, leaving him on the floor in a bloodied mess.
When John found Aaron acting strangely and noticed blood on his neck, he demanded to know what had happened. They returned to the depot, only to find that Anthony was dead. As Aaron panicked, John took control of the situation and removed the body from the floor.
The next day, Aaron was overwhelmed with guilt and John seemed to be acting strangely. Fans of the show have been speculating that John might be hiding something, and these scenes only added fuel to the fire. Some viewers even wondered if John had finished off Anthony when Aaron wasn't looking.
In tonight's episode, John encouraged Aaron to help him cover up the crime and continue their charade. They even went as far as hiding Anthony's car in Cain's garage. But things took an unexpected turn when Aaron found a CD in the car's glove compartment. He assumed that it was made by Steph, Anthony's granddaughter, and it only added to his guilt.
John tried to assure Aaron that he could handle the car on his own, but it was clear that he had no idea what he was doing. In a surprising turn of events, Aaron offered to help, and John was pleased to have control over the situation once again. But some viewers couldn't help but wonder if John was just trying to involve Aaron so that he could later report him to the police with proof that he had killed Anthony and covered up the crime.
As the mystery unfolds, fans are left wondering what John's true intentions are and if he's been hiding something all along. Could he be the real killer, or is there more to this story than meets the eye? Stay tuned for more shocking twists and turns on Emmerdale. And if you want to stay ahead of the game, join Metro's WhatsApp Soaps community for exclusive interviews, must-watch videos, and the latest gossip from all your favorite soaps. Simply click the link and join the chat. Don't forget to turn on notifications so you never miss out on the latest spoilers!
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