John hastens to ICU to support his ill mom, causing him to miss the event.

John sent a message to his fans, wishing them well.

August 16th 2023.

John hastens to ICU to support his ill mom, causing him to miss the event.
Earlier this month, John Barrowman confirmed that his mother Marion had been hospitalised and he had to pull out of Geek'd Con to be with her. In a social media video shared on Tuesday, the 59-year-old Doctor Who star explained that Marion was in intensive care, and he wanted to join his father John and other family members there.

"Hey everybody, this is a message to everyone who is heading to Louisiana for Geek'd Con. Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to cancel this weekend. My mother is still in intensive care, and I feel it's only appropriate that I'm here with her and my dad and the rest of the family. So I hope you understand, again go and have a great time- there's lots of guests coming have a wonderful Con," said John.

He went on to say: "Support the LGBTQIA+ community, make some videos to tell my Mum to get better. I would love that and sport those flags and all the rainbow flags and post those videos so I can watch them. I'm sorry I was looking forward to coming but unfortunately circumstances mean that I can't so lots of love to everybody and have a great time."

John revealed on August 10th that his mum had been "rushed to hospital overnight" in a separate Twitter message in which he confirmed he wouldn't be attending Huntington ComicCon. He wrote: "My mother was rushed into the hospital last night and she is not very well. I think it's only right that I stay with my family at this time."

John has yet to confirm what's wrong with Marion, but he is hopeful for her health. He ended his video with a message of encouragement for the Geek'd Con attendees and those who wish to support his family. "Have lots of fun ConFamily. I want to see pictures! Hopefully I will be with you next year. Lots of love and thanks for understanding."

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