Joel is overcome with emotion on Coronation Street due to the extreme nature of his next actions.

Hitting rock bottom.

July 31st 2024.

Joel is overcome with emotion on Coronation Street due to the extreme nature of his next actions.
Joel's heart raced with fear as he read the message from Dee-Dee. He couldn't believe what he was about to do, but he had to stick to his plan. As the latest episode of Coronation Street came to an emotional end, Joel Deering was left in tears as he opened a package that confirmed the next part of his plan to get Lauren Bolton and their baby out of his life.

Currently, Lauren is living in Joel's old flat and he provides her with money for their child's needs. However, he has made it clear that she needs to keep a low profile because he is working on getting her a new flat in Ireland for a fresh start. In tonight's episode, Lauren was bored out of her mind, stuck in the flat with nothing to do. She passed the time by teasing Joel about the healthy but dull food he had bought for her.

Joel had to leave for work at the police station and at the same time, Dee-Dee, an innocent bystander, was chatting with Michael on the cobbles. She received a parcel for Joel and was puzzled to see that it was addressed to an E Smith. Meanwhile, at the police station, Joel listened to the voicemail Dee-Dee had left him and was shocked to hear that she had recorded the moment she received the package.

Back at home, Dee-Dee questioned Joel about the address on the parcel. Thinking quickly, he lied and said it was for a client who has an abusive partner that checks her mail. Joel was relieved when Dee-Dee believed his story. Later, he was seen in his car opening the bag and taking out a box of drugs. He had bought these drugs after researching how to induce an early labor.

Tears welled up in Joel's eyes as he struggled with the weight of his actions. He knew that what he was about to do would put Lauren and their baby in danger, but he was desperate to get them out of his life. As we know from spoilers, Lauren will collapse with stomach pains at the end of this week. Is Joel about to drug her in the hopes that their child won't survive the early birth? The thought alone made Joel break down in tears.

Meanwhile, Dee-Dee was completely unaware of the danger surrounding her and Joel. She had no idea that her simple act of taking in a package for Joel could be a part of something so sinister. Fans of EastEnders, Coronation Street, and Emmerdale can join Metro's WhatsApp Soaps community for exclusive spoilers, must-watch videos, and interviews with the cast. Simply click on the link and select 'Join Chat' to stay updated on all the latest gossip. Don't forget to turn on notifications so you don't miss out on the latest spoilers!

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