Joel from Coronation Street warns Dee-Dee before their wedding.

He's losing his grip.

July 28th 2024.

Joel from Coronation Street warns Dee-Dee before their wedding.
Joel Deering, a resident of Coronation Street, is currently feeling overwhelmed and anxious. He and his fiancée, Dee-Dee Bailey, are in the midst of planning their wedding, which is always a stressful time with many details to consider. However, Joel's mind is burdened with even more pressing matters.

As viewers have seen, Joel has a troubled past with a young girl named Lauren Bolton. He had abused and nearly killed her, and now she has returned to the show unexpectedly, revealing that she is pregnant with his child. This has added to Joel's worries, as he is trying to keep his involvement with Lauren a secret to protect his own reputation.

In exchange for his help, Lauren has requested that Joel fund her move to Ireland to start a new life. She has also prepared an email to the authorities, exposing Joel as her attacker, which will be sent automatically in a month if her demands are not met. Joel is desperate to get rid of Lauren and their baby, and has been researching drugs that could induce labor, hinting at sinister intentions.

Despite these dark thoughts, Joel must also maintain a facade of normalcy in front of the public. He still has to act like a loving fiancé to Dee-Dee, which becomes increasingly difficult as his financial resources are drained due to secretly supporting Lauren. In fact, he is forced to ask Dee-Dee to cut back on their wedding budget, using his divorce expenses as a reason.

This compromise does not sit well with Joel, and he begins to speed up his plans to get rid of Lauren once and for all. Will he succeed in ridding himself of this troublesome problem, or will Lauren manage to escape his grasp once again? We can't wait to find out.

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