Jayce's journey is breaking down negative stereotypes & teaching people about the realities of life with autism.

Deidre Price, a mom with a mission: to get her son the help he needed after his autism diagnosis, sparking a movement of support and understanding.

April 13th 2023.

Jayce's journey is breaking down negative stereotypes & teaching people about the realities of life with autism.
Deidre Price is a determined mother who created a movement after her son Jayce was diagnosed with autism at two years old. With 1 in 36 children estimated to have autism spectrum disorder according to the CDC, and research showing that it is more common in Black children, Autism Awareness Month is an important time to shed light on the stigmas and misunderstandings that still exist and impact individuals from all backgrounds.

In 2022, Jayce’s Journey Inc. was founded to support children and individuals with autism and/or developmental delays through early intervention services, education, and access to resources. Jayce is non-verbal and communicates through American Sign Language. After recently starting biomedical treatment, an evidence-based holistic approach to testing and treating the underlying behavioral and psychological symptoms of autism, Price has seen tremendous improvements in her son.

Price spoke with BLACK ENTERPRISE about how her personal journey with autism inspired her to take action. “I went through a really sad time because I was terrified of what this meant for him,” she explained. “I had absolutely no tools, no information, and no one to help me navigate this new life that we were suddenly faced with.”

With Jayce’s Journey, Price is dedicated to raising awareness, educating the masses, and helping break down stigmas and misunderstandings about those living with autism. “Early intervention is key when dealing with autism,” she said. “The longer you wait to acknowledge and seek help, the more of a disadvantage the child has because valuable time is lost.”

(Image Source: https://www.blackenterprise.com)

Mark Gunter for Jayce’s Journey Inc.

From her own experience, Price hopes to provide tools and resources to families dealing with autism, so they don’t have to go through the same struggles she did. She is passionate about helping other families understand the importance of early intervention and the potential of those with autism.

Meet Deidre Price, an inspiring mother who launched a movement to get her son the support he needed after his autism diagnosis.

Recent research from the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network shows that 1 in 36 children are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and the numbers are higher among Black children.

Autism Awareness Month has been a reminder that stigmas and misunderstandings about the disorder continue to affect people from all backgrounds.

Price was determined to ensure her son Jayce had the best chance at success after his diagnosis. So, in 2022, she found Jayce an aide trained in the DIR Floortime therapy approach and started him on an aggressive therapy schedule. Additionally, Jayce began biomedical treatment, an evidence-based holistic approach to testing and treating the underlying behavioral and psychological symptoms of autism.

The positive changes have been undeniable and Price was driven to share her story and create Jayce’s Journey Inc., a platform to provide early intervention services, education, and resources to children and individuals with autism and/or developmental delays.

(Image Source: https://www.blackenterprise.com)

In a recent interview with BLACK ENTERPRISE, Price shared her experience and highlighted the importance of early intervention.

“No doctor ever gave me a single tool to help me even know where to start,” Price said. “All of the information I received was from other parents experiencing the same struggles that Jayce and I were facing. We came together and built our own support system, and I wanted to take it further and share that with the world so that we can not only advocate for our children but also educate people around us as well.”

Through Jayce’s Journey, Price is determined to create a positive impact in the autism community by raising awareness, educating the public, and helping break stigmas and misunderstandings.

(Image Source: https://www.blackenterprise.com)

Mark Gunter for Jayce’s Journey Inc.

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