Jay gets surprise birthday present in EastEnders with former character coming back

Jay is turning 30, but it doesn't make us feel old.

October 9th 2024.

Jay gets surprise birthday present in EastEnders with former character coming back
It's hard to believe, but Jay Brown just turned 30 in tonight's episode of EastEnders. It's crazy to think that it's been so long since his character first graced our screens back in 2006. We've watched him grow up, face heartbreak, and become a part of the Mitchell family.

One of the most memorable moments in Jay's journey was when he had to say goodbye to his father, Jase Dyer, who was tragically killed by a gang. From then on, he was raised by Billy and Honey, who eventually took him in as one of their own. And of course, the rest of the Mitchells couldn't resist welcoming him into their chaotic and loving family.

But in recent years, Jay's focus shifted to his relationship with Lola Pearce and her daughter Lexi. Their world was turned upside down when Lola was diagnosed with an incurable brain tumour in 2022. Despite their efforts to find a cure, Lola passed away last year. It was a heartbreaking storyline that showed the resilience and love of her friends and family as they tried to make the most of the time they had left with her.

Before she passed, Lola made video messages for Jay and Lexi to watch during important moments in their lives. It was a bittersweet moment when Lexi watched one from her mother before starting high school, and the Mitchells gathered to watch Lola's message revealing that she had signed Jay and Honey up for the London Marathon.

In tonight's episode, Jay was playing another video from Lola to Kat and Phil. It was a special message wishing him a happy birthday, and it was clear that the trio cherished every moment of it. But as life goes on, Jay had to head off to work, a reminder that while they all miss Lola dearly, they have found a way to move forward and keep her memory alive.

Because that's what grief is, isn't it? It's a testament to the love that we hold for those we have lost. And as we continue to watch Jay and the rest of the EastEnders family navigate through life without Lola, we can't help but feel grateful for the reminder that love will always persevere.

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