April 21st 2023.
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk) All Elite Wrestling star Jamie Hayter is the current Women's World Champion, and is looking forward to defending her title when AEW comes to London's Wembley Stadium on August 27. She recently reflected on her journey to the top, including one very painful moment in the ring when she broke both her elbows at the same time. Despite the setback, Jamie remembers the 'freak accident' fondly and is grateful for the NHS, who helped her through the recovery process. Now, Jamie is in a better place to deal with any setbacks and understands that 'pain is very temporary' and it's a case of learning to adapt.
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk) Despite suffering her worst injury when she broke both her elbows at the same time, Jamie Hayter, the current All Elite Wrestling Women's World Champion, is looking forward to defending her title at London’s Wembley Stadium on August 27. The Hampshire-born wrestler reflected on the 'freak accident' that resulted in her having to wear shoulder to wrist casts, but noted that she was only out of action for six weeks. Despite the physical pain and the mental struggle of being unable to keep active in the gym, Jamie has learnt to adapt and is now in a better place to deal with any future setbacks. With determination and resilience, Jamie is excited to step out at Wembley and show the world what she is capable of.
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)
(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)
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