Ivan Toney's huge money from Saudi Arabia can't compare to the priceless memories gained.

Earning big money comes with a price.

September 4th 2024.

Ivan Toney's huge money from Saudi Arabia can't compare to the priceless memories gained.
It's a question that has been on the minds of many lately - why are footballers in the prime of their careers choosing to play in Saudi Arabia? And in a related matter, how much money is enough for these players? These were the thoughts that seemed to be running through Ivan Toney's mind as he arrived in Jeddah for his new club, Al-Ahli. As he stood there, listening to the chant that the fans had created for him, Toney couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed. The chant, while beautiful in its own way, lacked the cheeky lyrics that he was used to hearing from the fans back home. But luckily for Toney, he would have some free time to adjust to his new surroundings, as the international break meant he wouldn't be playing in any matches for a while. This also explained why Netherlands manager Ronald Koeman had been talking about another player who recently made the move to Saudi Arabia - Steven Bergwijn.

Bergwijn, who had just joined Al-Ittihad, had not been selected for the national team. Koeman made it clear that he didn't see a place for him on the team, stating that at 26 years old, Bergwijn's main focus should be on his career and not just financial gain. This raises the question - how much is enough? Studies have shown that while money can bring happiness, there is a limit to how much it can buy. The threshold seems to be around £60,000-120,000 per year, according to some research. But for Nobel-prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman, that limit is even lower. Above that, it's more important to focus on things like relationships, personal growth, and creating meaningful experiences. However, for players like Toney and Bergwijn, there's an additional challenge - the constant comparison to their peers and their outrageous salaries.

Research has also shown that when people compare their income to others, they are more likely to be dissatisfied with what they have. This is known as the relative income effect. And for footballers, this can be a tricky space to navigate. Not only is the media constantly showcasing their colleagues' exorbitant wages, but footballers are also a naturally competitive bunch. This competitiveness can be seen in even the most mundane activities, like racing to a lamp post on a night out. So it's no surprise that when it comes to their earnings, the competition is fierce as well. Many argue that these players have a unique opportunity to make life-changing sums of money in a short amount of time. But at what cost?

On the one hand, there are those who point to players like N'Golo Kante, whose performance at the Euros this summer proved that a stint in the Saudi Pro League can actually enhance a player's career. The lower intensity and warmer climate seemed to have helped Kante with his chronic hamstring injury, something that his club team, Chelsea, couldn't seem to do. But on the other hand, Kante is 33 years old and has already achieved a lot in his career. For younger players like Toney and Bergwijn, is the lure of money worth sacrificing the privilege of playing at the highest level in front of passionate fans at prestigious stadiums like Brentford Community Stadium, Tottenham, Old Trafford, or Anfield?

At the end of the day, the most valuable thing we have is time. And while money can keep rolling in endlessly, our time on this Earth is limited. If given the choice, most people would probably opt for more money. But studies have shown that choosing more time can ultimately lead to a happier and more fulfilling life. For players like Toney, the £50 million he is expected to earn may seem like a dream come true, but it comes at a cost. It means potentially missing out on international matches and precious time with loved ones. In the end, it's up to each individual to weigh the trade-offs and decide what truly brings them happiness - money or time.

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