Is it okay to feel upset that my friends grew really close?

It's okay to be friends with them and express your thoughts on it.

August 21st 2024.

Is it okay to feel upset that my friends grew really close?
As humans, it is natural for us to feel protective of our friends. We value our platonic relationships and it is not uncommon for insecurities to creep in and cause feelings of jealousy. That's where Metro's agony aunt, Em Clarkson, comes in. She is here to solve all your friendship problems and offer sage guidance on how to handle situations like this.

One reader writes in to Em about feeling jealous of their two friends who met at their birthday party a few months ago and have since become close. While they are happy for their friends, they can't help but feel a bit neglected. Em reassures them that these feelings are completely normal and that it's important to address them.

Em shares her personal experience of being a "friend thief" when she formed a close relationship with another friend at her best friend's 30th party. She understands how it can feel like you're breaking some unspoken rule of friend etiquette. However, karma came back around when two of her other closest friends started hanging out without her. It's a reminder that female friendship can be complicated, especially when we let our insecurities and jealousy take over.

But Em reminds us that in reality, our friends are not purposefully excluding us or talking behind our backs. She encourages the reader to take a step back and realize that it's a good thing that their friends are becoming friends with each other. It's a sign of a strong connection and a reminder that everyone comes into our lives for a reason.

Em suggests that the reader can both accept their friendship and also talk to their friends about their feelings. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with our friends, and they will most likely understand and appreciate the honesty. As Em says, "their liking of each other doesn't mean they like you any less."

In the end, Em reminds us that it's okay to feel a little left out, but it's important to address these feelings and not let them consume us. And she offers a friendly reminder that she is always here to help with any friendship conundrums.

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