"Indie game of the year: Animal Well receives glowing review."

"Animal Well challenges the notion of too many 2D indie Metroidvania games and encourages critical thinking."

May 10th 2024.

Hey there! So, have you heard about this new game called Animal Well? It may seem like just another 2D indie Metroidvania, but trust me, it's so much more than that. In fact, it might even change your perspective on a few things.

In the midst of all the negative news about big game companies mistreating their developers, it's refreshing to see a wave of new and interesting indie games being released. One of them being Animal Well, which is the creation of one talented individual, Billy Basso. Fun fact, he's been working on this game for seven years, and the end result is nothing short of impressive.

Now, I know what you're thinking. A 2D Metroidvania? Haven't we seen enough of those already? But trust me, Animal Well is different. First of all, it's almost entirely non-linear. You're thrown into the game with no explanation of who you are or what your goal is. You control a cute little multicolored blob and your main objective is to collect four flames. Sounds simple enough, right? But the game is full of clever puzzles and well-hidden secrets that will keep you on your toes.

And speaking of your little blob, prepare to be on high alert because everything in this game wants to eat you. Yes, you read that right. Your character is apparently quite the delicacy in this animal kingdom. So, your best bet is to run and hide, or use some of the game's unique abilities to fend off your attackers. And when I say unique, I mean it. Forget about collecting cool weapons, in Animal Well, you'll be using a wand that blows bubbles and a frisbee to solve puzzles and distract your enemies. How cool is that?

Now, I know the screenshots may not look like much, but trust me, once you see the game in motion, you'll be blown away. The animations are smooth and the game world is filled with all sorts of effects that make it come alive. It's a visually stunning game that will have you in awe.

But let's talk about the real star of the show here - the secrets. Oh boy, are there secrets. Every inch of this game is filled with them, and some are more obscure than others. It's almost impossible to find them all without some help, but trust me, it's worth the effort. In fact, I'd say it's almost more fun uncovering the secrets than completing the main objective.

Of course, no game is perfect. Animal Well does have some minor flaws, like the occasional difficulty spikes that can be frustrating, and the fact that you restart at your last save point when you die. But these are just minor setbacks in what is otherwise an amazing game.

In conclusion, Animal Well is a must-play for any fan of puzzle adventures. It's a well-crafted, visually stunning game with unique gameplay and an abundance of secrets to discover. And most importantly, it's a testament to the fact that big game companies can never take away the joy and ingenuity of traditional video games. So, go on and give it a try. Trust me, you won't regret it.

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