India's Muslim population is expected to surpass Indonesia's by 2050, making it the largest in the world.

New Delhi: A Pew report shows Muslim population growth surpassing other religions in the next 25 years, with India becoming the country with the most Muslims by 2050.

March 5th 2025.

India's Muslim population is expected to surpass Indonesia's by 2050, making it the largest in the world.
A recent report from the Pew Research Center has brought to light a major shift in the global religious landscape. According to their findings, the Muslim population is expected to experience the fastest growth over the next 25 years. This means that by 2050, India will surpass Indonesia as the country with the highest number of Muslims, while still maintaining its strong ties to Hinduism.

The study highlights various factors that are influencing population trends worldwide, such as fertility rates, youthful demographics, and religious conversions. While Christianity is projected to remain the largest religion globally, the growth rate of Islam is such that it could potentially reach equal numbers with Christianity by 2050.

One significant finding of the report is the increasing influence of Muslims in Europe, where they are expected to make up 10% of the total population. This rise in numbers could have a significant impact on the region. Meanwhile, countries like the US and France are seeing a rise in individuals who identify as having no religion, which has led to a decline in the Christian population in these areas.

The report also predicts that while Hinduism will continue to thrive in India, the rapid growth of Islam will make the country a focal point for the world's Muslim population. As these demographic shifts take place, it is clear that the global religious landscape is on the brink of a historic transformation in the coming decades.

Overall, this report sheds light on the changing demographics of the world and how it will impact religious communities. It is a reminder that no matter our beliefs, we are all part of a constantly evolving global society.

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