India chose not to vote on UN resolution honoring Srebrenica genocide.

UNGA: India abstains from resolution to establish annual day honoring Srebrenica genocide during Yugoslav civil war, sponsored by Germany and Rwanda, passed with only 84 votes due to strong divisions.

May 24th 2024.

India chose not to vote on UN resolution honoring Srebrenica genocide.
The United Nations recently voted on a resolution to establish an annual day of remembrance for the 1995 genocide in Srebrenica, a town in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This tragic event occurred during the civil war that took place after the break-up of Yugoslavia. The resolution, sponsored by Germany and Rwanda, was passed with only 84 votes out of the 193-member Assembly. This low number reflects the deep divisions among countries on the issue, as most UN resolutions are typically adopted by consensus.

Nineteen countries voted against the resolution, while 68 abstained and 22 chose not to participate in the vote. One of the countries that abstained was India, although they did not provide an explanation for their decision. With the passing of this resolution, the UN will now observe July 11th each year as the "International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica." This day will honor the memory of the approximately 8,000 Bosnian Muslims who were killed by Bosnian Serbs, who were Orthodox Christians.

During the three-and-a-half-year-long civil war, the town of Srebrenica became a site of horrific violence as ethnic Serb fighters overran the area. Men and boys were separated from their families, and the victims were predominantly Muslim. This resolution aims to prevent future genocides, like the one carried out by the German Nazis during World War II. Germany's Permanent Representative, Antje Leendertse, stated that the resolution is not directed against the Serbians as a people, but rather against those who committed the atrocities.

However, not everyone was in favor of the resolution. Aleksandar Vucic, the President of Serbia, criticized the proposal as being politically motivated and an attempt to stigmatize his people. He also pointed out that those responsible for the massacre have already been tried and convicted. Furthermore, he argued that the resolution only focuses on the Srebrenica massacre and does not acknowledge the other ethnicities that were also victims during the civil war.

The resolution also sparked controversy among countries at the UN, with some viewing it as a confrontation between the West and Russia. This led to the perception that the resolution was directed against Serbia and its ally, Russia, and was a show of solidarity with Muslims in light of the recent attacks on Gaza. The resolution was introduced without consensus and consultation, which only highlighted the divisions among countries at the UN.

While many Muslim countries voted in favor of the resolution, they also raised concerns about the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Egypt's Permanent Representative, Osama Abdel Khalek, voiced his support for the resolution but criticized the West for not showing the same level of concern for those killed in Gaza. Similarly, Mexico's Permanent Representative, Hector Enrique Vasconcelos y Cruz, expressed his country's support for reconciliation in the region and emphasized the need for inclusive dialogue among all parties involved.

In conclusion, while the resolution to establish an annual day of remembrance for the Srebrenica genocide was passed, it also highlighted the deep divisions and tensions among countries at the UN. The hope is that this day of reflection and commemoration will serve as a reminder to prevent such atrocities from occurring in the future and promote reconciliation and justice for the victims. However, the way in which the resolution was introduced and the criticisms raised by some countries show that there is still much work to be done in order to achieve true unity and understanding among nations.

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