Increase website traffic with an unconventional Facebook ad strategy.

Social media marketers can get high ROI, brand exposure and better conversion rates by using Facebook display advertising. It also offers flexible budgeting.

October 11th 2023.

Increase website traffic with an unconventional Facebook ad strategy.
As a social media marketer, you don't want to miss out on the tremendous opportunity that display advertising on Facebook provides. Not only will it give your clients one of the highest returns on investments, it will help with brand exposure, lead to better conversion rates, and provide a flexible budget. But, you might be asking yourself, what exactly is Facebook remarketing?

Facebook display ads let you place advertisements on a variety of news sites, blogs, and other niche sites across the Internet to reach more potential customers. Say you visit a sports website that has a national presence and you see an advertisement strategically placed on the homepage - this is an example of a display ad. The next step is to understand the remarketing side of display ads.

Remarketing is a way to capitalize on lost website traffic. For example, let's say you are a leasing manager at an apartment complex looking to keep track of your leads in Nashville. You visit but drop off after 10 seconds due to an incoming phone call. According to Mashable, “An average bounce rate is about 50%, meaning that about half of people who land on your website pages leave and don’t come back.” When the leasing manager visits Facebook, they notice the Salesforce advertisement. This reminds them of the void they need to fill in terms of tracking leads. They immediately click on the ad and sign-up for the free 30 Day Trial.

Facebook provides great guidelines on how to set-up a successful re-marketing campaign. You'll want to make sure that you are logged into your Facebook account and have properly set-up an advertiser account. Then, you'll select custom audience from your website and copy the code that appears, following the on-screen instructions to paste it in your website code. After you properly implement this pixel onto the pages of your site that you want to remarket to, you can create ad creatives that help you sell more.

It's important to make sure that the imagery and messaging of the advertisement entices people to visit your website and properly set-up conversion tracking in Google Analytics to monitor the conversions, average time on site, bounce rate, etc. Lastly, you'll need to bid in a strategic manner to make sure this form of advertising yields a return on investment.

Having a solid understanding of remarketing will not only impress your clients and peers, but it will also result in greater conversions from Facebook remarketing. Therefore, it is essential to take full advantage of this Facebook advertising tactic. If you're looking to learn more, join Heyo CEO, Nathan Latka, for a free webinar on July 22nd. He will be discussing how to double your email list for free with Facebook. Don't miss out!

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