Important ruling soon for major cancer lawsuit over herbicide

Federal court to rule on Roundup herbicide case today.

July 24th 2024.

Important ruling soon for major cancer lawsuit over herbicide
Hundreds of people in Australia are anxiously awaiting the outcome of a court case that could potentially determine if their cancer was caused by a popular weed killer. Today, Federal Court Justice Michael Lee will deliver a judgment in the class action against the herbicide Roundup. The case, brought forth by Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, alleges that the active ingredient in Roundup, glyphosate, is responsible for the cancer of over 800 non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients in Australia.

The case specifically targets Monsanto, the company that originally produced Roundup, which was then acquired by Bayer in 2018. The plaintiffs claim that glyphosate, which is used in many herbicides, is a carcinogen for humans and that exposure to the ingredient increases the risk of developing cancer. However, Bayer has maintained that glyphosate has been extensively tested in numerous studies and has been deemed safe when used as directed.

Today, Justice Lee will determine whether or not glyphosate is indeed carcinogenic and capable of causing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in humans. This ruling will have significant implications for the lead applicant, Kelvin McNickle, who alleges that his cancer was caused by his childhood exposure to Roundup while helping his father spray weeds, as well as his adult exposure while working with the herbicide. McNickle's individual claim will be addressed after today's judgment, along with the claims of the other members of the group.

It is worth noting that Roundup is still widely used in Australia and the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority supports Bayer's assertion that glyphosate-based herbicides are not carcinogenic. However, this court case could potentially change that narrative, depending on the outcome and any possible appeals from either Bayer or Maurice Blackburn. The class action lawyers have already stated that their clients are seeking significant damages, making this a high-stakes situation for all parties involved.

As the court prepares to deliver its judgment, the entire country is holding its breath, especially the hundreds of Australians who may have been affected by Roundup. This case serves as a reminder of the potential risks associated with commonly used products and the importance of thorough testing and regulation. Hopefully, this decision will bring some closure and justice to those who have been impacted by this herbicide.

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