I was upset with my partner, so I decided to spend the day in Palma.

Traveling can put things in perspective and show you the beauty of life, making worries about a man seem insignificant.

July 13th 2024.

I was upset with my partner, so I decided to spend the day in Palma.
We all have our own ways of dealing with frustration and anger, whether it's venting to friends, indulging in comfort food, or drowning our sorrows in cocktails. But for 37-year-old Charlotte Louise, her go-to method for dealing with a troublesome partner was quite extraordinary.

Instead of wallowing in sadness and self-pity, the intimate waxing specialist decided to take a spontaneous trip to Palma for the day. She admits that she played a role in the arguments with her partner, being insecure and self-sabotaging. But when he ignored her for a few days and eventually broke up with her, she didn't let it get her down.

"I was so angry with him that I booked a flight to Palma for the day," Charlotte explained. "I'd rather be mad under the sun than mad at home." And so, she packed her bikini, some sunscreen, and her shades, leaving her ex to sulk in the rainy British weather.

After landing in Palma, Charlotte spent the day exploring the city, visiting the cathedral, museums, and even taking a dip in the sea. She spent a total of £130 on her flights and an additional £112 on food, drinks, and tickets. As someone who loves to travel alone, she found the experience to be much more enjoyable and stress-free than traveling with a partner.

But Charlotte isn't the only one who has discovered the joys of solo travel. Sama Ansari Pour, a travel agent at The Agency, recently took a solo trip to Cádiz in Spain, spending only £300 for a week-long vacation. She spent her days sipping iced coffee and indulging in Turròn ice cream at the stunning Cafe Royalty, lying on the beach, and exploring the city.

One of the highlights of her trip was the local food, which she found to be just as impressive as that of other popular foodie destinations in Spain. She recommends visiting the Cádiz Central Market, which transforms into a bustling food market at night, offering a variety of delicious dishes made with fresh, local produce.

For Sama, the best part about solo travel was being able to create her own itinerary, choosing where and what to eat without having to compromise with anyone else. She tried everything from traditional Gambos al Ajillo to sushi made with freshly caught tuna from Cádiz.

Aside from the delicious food, Cádiz also offers a rich history and culture, with attractions like the Roman theatre and the cathedral. But for Sama, the best way to experience the city's charm was by getting lost in the old town's narrow streets and soaking in the beauty of the architecture.

As for Charlotte, solo travel has become a regular part of her life, with her going on a solo trip every month. She loves the freedom and "selfishness" that comes with traveling alone and realizes that worrying over a man isn't worth it. She encourages others to try solo travel and discover the joy and independence that comes with it.

So the next time you're feeling frustrated or upset, take a page out of Charlotte and Sama's book and hop on a plane to a new destination. Who knows, you may just find yourself falling in love with solo travel.

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