I want to ask for someone's hand in marriage, but my sister is hindering me.

When you're ready, progressing your relationship should feel like a natural step.

September 1st 2024.

I want to ask for someone's hand in marriage, but my sister is hindering me.
Hey there, Alison!
I've been meaning to reach out to you about a proposal dilemma that's been weighing on my mind. You see, I want to propose to my partner, but I feel like I'm stuck in a bit of a predicament. My sister has asked for my help in convincing her boyfriend to speed up his engagement plans, as she wants to get engaged sooner rather than later. He originally planned to pop the question in about a year, but she's eager to move things along and he's dragging his feet. The added tension comes from the fact that my sister and her boyfriend have been together longer than my partner and I, which makes me feel like I should wait until she gets engaged before making my move. I don't want to offend her by stealing her spotlight or trying to one-up her. So, I'm turning to you for some guidance. Can I propose before she gets proposed to?
Speaking of proposals, do you happen to have any experience with wedding planning? I've been feeling quite stressed about the whole process and could use some wise words. Weddings are meant to be joyous occasions, but they can also be incredibly overwhelming for everyone involved. Whether you're the bride, groom, best man or woman, or simply a friend or family member of the couple, the anticipation leading up to the big day can be filled with tension.
If you have any advice to share, I'd love to hear it. You've been in the wedding industry for 10 years and have helped countless couples plan their special day, so I trust your expertise. Would you be willing to offer a helping hand? I'd appreciate any insight you have to offer, and I'm sure others would too.
Now, back to my proposal dilemma. As much as I care about my sister's feelings and want to support her, I also need to consider my own relationship with my partner. This proposal is about us and our love, and I don't want it to be overshadowed by external factors. I know there's no set timeline for when someone should propose, and just because my sister's been with her boyfriend longer doesn't mean I have to put my life on hold. When we're ready to take the next step, it should feel natural for us.
That being said, I don't want to completely disregard my sister's feelings either. I was thinking of having a conversation with her and explaining my intentions. I don't want her to think I'm trying to steal her thunder, but I also want her to understand that I'm ready to move forward in my own relationship. What do you think?
Another option could be to talk to her boyfriend directly and see if he has any plans to propose soon or if he's intentionally delaying. I could also chat with our parents, close family members, or friends to get a second opinion. They may have a better understanding of our relationship and could offer some helpful advice.
Ultimately, I know my partner and I need to do what feels right for us. I don't want to wait indefinitely, but I also want to be considerate of my sister's feelings. I'm sure you can relate to the struggle of balancing relationships with family dynamics.
Thank you for taking the time to read my dilemma and offer your perspective. Your experience and wisdom mean a lot to me. And hey, if you have any wedding planning tips to share while we're at it, I'm all ears!
Best wishes,

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