Ex-LAPD officer shares details about Diddy's alleged role in Tupac's murder.

Ex-LAPD detective reveals confession implicating Sean "Diddy" Combs in Tupac Shakur's murder.

June 13th 2024.

Ex-LAPD officer shares details about Diddy's alleged role in Tupac's murder.
As he sat down for an interview with New York magazine, retired LAPD detective Greg Kading opened up about his experience with the infamous cases involving the deaths of rappers Tupac Shakur and The Notorious B.I.G. Kading, who left the force in 2010, shared the shocking details of a confession he received 15 years prior from Duane "Keefe D" Davis, implicating music mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs in Tupac's murder.

Kading explained that Davis, a former member of the Crips gang, had approached him with a secret confession, but due to a legal agreement known as a proffer agreement, the information could not be used in court. As a result, Davis remained a free man until his recent arrest in 2023.

In the initial confession, Davis revealed that it was Combs who had orchestrated the hit on Tupac in collaboration with Davis' faction of the Crips. According to Davis, Combs had offered a million dollars for the job, saying he wanted "them dudes' heads." Davis claimed he had offered to carry out the hit for a much lower price of $50,000.

Kading was called back to the force in 2006 to assist in the reopened investigation into the murder of The Notorious B.I.G., after the rapper's mother filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the LAPD. Kading and his team were determined to find out who was truly responsible for the deaths of both Tupac and Biggie, and it was this determination that eventually led them back to Davis.

In his confession, Davis revealed the personal motive behind Tupac's murder - revenge for a physical attack on his nephew, Orlando Anderson, by Tupac and members of the Blood gang. Davis disclosed that his nephew had shot and killed Tupac, with the help of their close associate Eric "Von Zip" Martin, who provided the gun. After the shooting, Davis claimed Combs had called Martin to ask if they were responsible. Despite the personal nature of the murder, Davis still expected to receive the promised million dollars from Combs.

However, the payment never came, and to this day, Combs vehemently denies any involvement in Tupac's death. Davis is set to stand trial for Tupac's murder in November, but Kading believes he will make a deal with prosecutors before then.

Kading also shared his belief that Tupac's death was a result of gang retaliation, while Biggie's was an act of revenge. He described it as a "strange paradox" and believed that at the core of both cases, the motives were quite simple.

Meanwhile, Combs has managed to keep his name out of the Tupac murder case, but with the recent allegations and lawsuits surrounding him, Davis' claims of his involvement have resurfaced and gained new interest. Only time will tell if the truth behind Tupac's murder will finally come to light.

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