I shared my thoughts on sexual consent and the responses I got scared me.

Actively support us instead of just denying that you would commit sexual assault.

May 25th 2024.

I shared my thoughts on sexual consent and the responses I got scared me.
Emily was passionate about the Asking For It campaign and its mission to change the law in England and Wales to an affirmative consent model. She strongly believed that the current approach, where the absence of a "no" is seen as consent, is not a viable model and needs to be changed.

According to this model, a man could potentially use the excuse that the woman didn't explicitly say no as a defense in court, allowing him to escape punishment for sexual assault or rape. Emily firmly believed that the focus should instead be on the steps both parties took leading up to the sexual encounter and whether they both agreed to engage in sexual activity. In other words, there needs to be a clear and enthusiastic "yes" from both parties.

That's why Emily was fully behind the I'm Asking For It campaign, which aimed to make affirmative consent the standard practice. But she was taken aback by the negative comments she received from men when she posted about the campaign on social media. Many seemed defensive and self-righteous, as if she was taking away their rights or ruining the fun for them.

To Emily, this was a clear indication that there is a warped understanding of consent in our society, and that the need for this law is greater than ever. She was shocked when the government responded to the campaign by stating that they had no plans to amend the law on consent, as it was already well-established and understood by the courts, police, and the public. To her, it felt like they were dismissing the importance of this issue.

Emily believed that it was in every man's interest to change this law, but feared that because it was a campaign for women's safety, it would continue to be ignored. Women often have to speak louder and fight harder for the things they want and need, and unfortunately, safety is one of them. The idea of the "whining woman" and silencing their voices still persists in our society, despite progress being made.

Emily felt that the government's response was proof of how stagnant things are in the UK when it comes to the evolution of language and attitudes towards women. Shockingly, the campaign found that 22% of UK adults believe that saying no can sometimes mean yes when it comes to sex. This is a dangerous and harmful belief that needs to be addressed.

Emily believed that a change in the law could have a significant impact on the cultural and societal shift towards women's safety and their words being taken seriously. The current approach of "his word against hers" often leads to rape cases being dismissed due to a lack of evidence, even though the victim may have been too frightened, drunk, or drugged to say no.

She pointed out that affirmative consent models have proven to be successful in other countries such as Sweden, where rape convictions increased by 75% after implementing this law. Emily strongly believed that this was a positive step forward and urged the government to reconsider their stance.

However, she feared that the safety of women and girls was still being put at the bottom of the priority list. Women are often seen as "whiny" or "complaining" when they speak out about issues like this, and their concerns are often dismissed. Emily called on men to speak up and support this cause, as their voices often carry more weight and can help bring about change.

She also reminded men that this was not an attack on them, but a plea for them to stand with women and believe them. Emily believed that if more men actively supported this cause, the government would be more likely to listen and take action.

In conclusion, Emily urged everyone to sign the petition to implement affirmative consent and make the world a safer place. She also encouraged others to share their stories and experiences and join the conversation. Together, we can make a difference and create a better future for women.

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