Ditch unrealistic expectations of perfection, prioritize self-care, say no to additional responsibilities, and seek support.

Black women face unique pressures to "do it all"; this has a damaging impact and needs to be addressed.

April 13th 2023.

Ditch unrealistic expectations of perfection, prioritize self-care, say no to additional responsibilities, and seek support.
As Black women, we often feel the pressure of being a “Superwoman”, where we are expected to juggle our career, family, home, and everything else that life throws our way. But this “Superwoman Syndrome” can lead to burnout and exhaustion, as well as feelings of guilt, stress, and depression.

It’s time to challenge the status quo and recognize that we don’t have to do it all. During the pandemic, I made the shift to prioritize my mental and physical well-being, and I want to share four ways to help combat “Superwoman Syndrome”: Self-reflection, Setting Reasonable Expectations, Seeking Help, and Boundary Setting. By taking the time to focus on our own needs and well-being, we can be more successful in our personal and professional lives.

As Black women, we are often expected to be “Superwomen”; we are expected to juggle our families, community, households, and jobs, sometimes sacrificing our own mental and physical well-being in the process. During Women’s History Month and beyond, we should challenge the status quo that puts so much emphasis on outward success. We can start by taking better care of ourselves and recognizing the importance of self-care and self-reflection. It's time to create space to connect with our thoughts and emotions and to prioritize rest and well-being. Let's recognize that we are all flawed masterpieces and that by taking the time to nourish our bodies and minds, we can be more effective in our personal and professional lives.

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