I regret spending £400 on a first date.

My first date was incredibly expensive.

October 5th 2024.

I regret spending £400 on a first date.
I was having the time of my life, dancing on the tables at my favorite bar when I caught sight of him. He was tall, with dark cropped hair and a dazzling smile that revealed a perfect set of teeth. In that moment, he looked like a real-life Disney prince. But of course, I assumed he was out of my league and continued flailing around on the table, trying to maintain my balance.

To my surprise, he followed me outside for a smoke and introduced himself as Ben. Leaning against the wall, I tried to play it cool as he talked, even though he didn't seem to ask me any questions. But because he was charming and incredibly good-looking, I couldn't help but be interested in his stories and even lit another cigarette.

But when we went back inside, he quickly dropped my hand and left me for two gorgeous girls. They were the complete opposite of me – leggy, blonde, and dressed to the nines. I, on the other hand, was in chunky boots, a cheap mini skirt, and a crop top, with my ponytail looking less than perfect. I watched as they all went to the bar, feeling a bit dejected.

But I didn't let it ruin my night. I continued dancing with my friends, pretending not to care. However, deep down, I couldn't help but feel a little hurt by his sudden lack of interest. I even shed a few tears in the Uber ride home.

Fast forward two months, and I received a message from him on a dating app. I didn't even recognize him at first, but then he reminded me that I had saved myself in his phone as "girl who was dancing on the table." It all came rushing back – he was the hot Disney prince from that night.

We decided to meet up for drinks at a cocktail bar, and this time, he was charming and asked me lots of questions. He even insisted on paying for my drinks. Everything seemed to be going well until I realized I had lost my keys. I remained calm, not because I'm cool and collected, but because I've lost my keys before and know not to panic. Plus, I figured I could just go back to his place and sort it out in the morning.

But when I suggested this, he hesitated and told me he still lived with his parents. At this point, it was clear that if we didn't sleep together, this date would be a waste of time. And I had nowhere else to go. So, we came up with a plan to go to a nearby hotel to see if they had any rooms available.

Unfortunately, it was late, and we were both pretty drunk, having done shots to lift my spirits after losing my keys. The receptionist could tell what we were up to and informed us that there were no rooms available. With no other options, we decided to call an emergency locksmith.

We waited in the lobby, and when the locksmith arrived at 3:30 am, we headed to my flat. I managed to run there in my six-inch heels, dragging Ben along with me. After paying a whopping £400 to the locksmith, we finally made it inside.

Looking back, it was the most expensive first date of my life, and I can't even remember the sex. We only went on one more date after that disaster, and it just wasn't worth it. I should have ignored Ben that night and continued dancing on the tables. Lessons learned – sometimes, it's better to just go with the flow and not try to impress someone who isn't worth it in the end.

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