I'm scared to disclose my STI to the person I'm seeing.

Should I disclose my herpes status to him and if so, how should I do it?

August 14th 2024.

I'm scared to disclose my STI to the person I'm seeing.
Relationships can be tricky, especially when it comes to discussing sensitive topics like sexually transmitted infections (STIs). But don't worry, Metro's agony aunt Em Clarkson is here to help! This week, she's tackling two reader questions about STIs and relationships. So, let's get right into it.

The first question is from someone who has just started dating a great guy, but they're worried about telling him about their herpes diagnosis. Em's answer is a resounding yes - you should definitely tell him. She reassures the reader that having an STI is not a deal-breaker and offers some tips on how to have the conversation. She also emphasizes the importance of being honest and upfront before things get physical, to avoid any potential misunderstandings.

It's clear that there is a lot of stigma surrounding STIs, but Em wants to remind readers that they are more common than we think. She encourages open and honest communication and suggests being prepared with information to ease any concerns your partner may have. And who knows, they might even have an STI too. Honesty is always the best policy, and if your partner is as great as you hope, they will understand and support you.

Next up, Em introduces herself as Metro's agony aunt, an influencer, author, and content creator who is ready to listen and offer advice on any topic. She stresses that she's not a substitute for therapy, but she's happy to talk through any problems readers may have. With over 300,000 followers on Instagram, Em is known for her honesty and is often asked for advice in her DMs. Now, she's bringing that same authenticity to Metro as a columnist.

She encourages readers to send in their questions and promises that no topic is off-limits. Whether it's through email or face-to-face, Em is here to help. She also invites readers to sign up for Metro's sex and dating newsletter, The Hook-Up, for juicy stories and tips on spicing things up in the bedroom.

The next question is about expecting too much from others and feeling let down. Em can relate to this and shares her own experience of trying to control everything and everyone around her. She explains that this often stems from taking on a lot of responsibility at a young age and setting high standards for yourself and others. But she also learned that expecting perfection from others only leads to disappointment and resentment.

Em advises the reader to meet people where they're at and to accept that everyone's best looks different. She encourages them to communicate their expectations clearly and to try to see the good in others rather than focusing on what they haven't done. And most importantly, to have fun and enjoy life without putting too much pressure on ourselves and others.

In the end, Em reminds readers that we can only control ourselves and that it's important to be kind to ourselves and those around us. She also shares her email for anyone who wants to share their story or ask for advice. And she invites readers to share their thoughts and join the conversation in the comments section. So don't be shy, Em's here to help.

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