I had a terrible experience travelling 100 miles just to get dumped and have terrible sex.

Watching someone do laundry is about as exciting as the experience described.

September 21st 2024.

I had a terrible experience travelling 100 miles just to get dumped and have terrible sex.
As I waited at the bus stop, I couldn't help but feel excited for my second date with John. He had been away for work a lot, so our communication had been limited to phone and video calls. But today, I was finally going to see him in person. When he arrived to pick me up, we headed to a busy café to grab some brunch. The atmosphere was lively and I was looking forward to spending the day exploring his hometown.

However, my excitement quickly turned to shock when John announced that he didn't think things were working out between us. My heart sank as I tried to process his words. I could feel the sourdough toast in my mouth turn to ash and my cheeks burning with embarrassment. This was only our second date and I had traveled all the way from London to Bristol, a distance of 117 miles, just to see him. It may have seemed crazy to some, but I was willing to take the risk for love.

Feeling rejected, I excused myself from the table and asked for the bill. The server's concerned expression only added to my humiliation. I couldn't believe that John was breaking up with me before our date had even begun. I had put myself out there and now I was left feeling foolish. But as I waited for John outside, all of the awkwardness between us melted away and our physical attraction took over. We decided to give our relationship a chance and headed to his house.

But things took a turn for the worse when we attempted to have sex. Our rhythm was off and the whole experience was lackluster. To make matters worse, John told me that I reminded him of his ex. It was clear that our physical chemistry was not enough to sustain a relationship.

Feeling fed up, I told John that I was done and just wanted to go home. But with no more buses until the next morning, I had to put my anger aside. We ended up going to a pub and getting drunk, with John paying for most of the drinks as a way to apologize. I also made some new friends who offered their support and sympathy.

But then I remembered that a former friend-with-benefits, Ethan, lived nearby and I texted him for a rescue. Despite my tipsy state, I was excited at the thought of good sex with someone who actually wanted me. When Ethan arrived, I knew I had to tell John that I was leaving. To my surprise, he was distraught and begged me not to go. He admitted that he had made a mistake and still had feelings for me.

In the end, I hugged John goodbye and wished him well. Ethan and I ended up having a great time together and I was grateful for his rescue. Looking back, I have no hard feelings towards John. He taught me an important lesson – never stray further than Zone 6 for a second date. And I am happy to say that Ethan and I have remained friends for nearly 10 years.

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