Armed men invade Melbourne home, terrorizing family.

"Someone threatened me with a shotgun, knife, and steel pipe, causing injury to my hand."

September 21st 2024.

Armed men invade Melbourne home, terrorizing family.
A family has shared their harrowing experience after a group of four masked men, armed with a gun and steel pipe, invaded their home in Doncaster. The incident occurred early on a Wednesday morning, just three weeks after the family had moved into their new home in Melbourne. The terrifying ordeal has left them shaken and with a desire to relocate.

21-year-old Hazon, whose last name has been kept private, was awoken by the sound of the men breaking into their home. He was met with a frightening sight as the intruders pointed a shotgun and knife at him before striking his hand with a steel pipe. The men had used a large steel pole to break through the glass beside the front door and proceeded to grab knives from the kitchen before making their way upstairs.

As Harzon opened his bedroom door, he came face to face with a gun for the first time in his life. He recalls feeling immense fear at the thought of being shot by the intruders. The group then locked Hazon, his friend, and his parents in a room while they searched the house for drugs and a person named Nisa, whom the family did not know.

After about 15 minutes, the intruders left, taking valuable items such as a wallet, iPad, Nintendo Switch, and a handbag with them. The family, who had only been living in the house for a short time, now feel traumatized and unsafe. They plan to move out of the property as soon as possible to escape the fear of another break-in.

Hazon expresses his fear of the intruders returning and how it has shattered his perception of Australia as a safe place to live. The family's terrifying encounter serves as a reminder of the importance of safety and security in our own homes.

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