I am struggling to choose between my husband and my married lover, as both refuse to let me go.

The speaker is struggling and sees no solution to their situation.

June 8th 2024.

I am struggling to choose between my husband and my married lover, as both refuse to let me go.
Making difficult decisions can be tough, especially when it involves two people vying for your attention. At first, it may seem flattering to have two individuals fighting over you, but the reality is that it often leads to heartbreak for at least one person involved. This week, we received a letter from a reader who is struggling to choose between her husband of eight years and a married man she has been having an affair with.

After being caught by her husband and threatened with divorce, she decided to give her marriage another chance and returned home. However, her lover is not ready to let go, even though he refuses to leave his wife. This leaves her in a difficult position - can she keep both men in her life? Before we dive into the advice, let's take a look at last week's dilemma from a 37-year-old woman whose ex-partner is calling her a "pervert" for dating a younger man.

The reader writes, "I feel like I'm in an impossible position and can't see a way out." She goes on to explain that both her husband and lover want to be with her and are unwilling to let her go. She is 32 years old and has been married for eight years. Last year, during a rough patch in her marriage, she started talking to other men online and eventually began meeting up with one in secret. The connection she feels with this man is stronger than what she feels for her husband.

Unfortunately, her husband sensed that something was wrong and discovered her affair by looking through her phone. They had a huge fight, which ended with her throwing her wedding ring at him and asking for a divorce. She then spent a few nights with a friend, but when she told her lover about the situation, he said he couldn't leave his wife because of their children and financial situation.

Her husband begged her to come back, and with nowhere else to go, she returned with the promise of trying to work things out. However, her lover is also unwilling to let her go. So now, she finds herself torn between two men who both want her. She can't help but wonder, what about her own feelings and desires in all of this?

The advice given to her is to take a step back and stop playing the victim. She is the one in control of her own actions and needs to think about what is best for herself, not just what these two men want. Going back to her husband out of convenience is not fair to him. If she truly believes her marriage is over, she needs to make plans to live separately, even if it is difficult.

It's also important to consider what her lover said - if he has no intention of leaving his family, she will always be the "other woman," and this rarely leads to a happy ending. She should reevaluate her marriage and seek counseling if needed, but if she truly cannot continue in the marriage, it's best to end things properly and move forward.

It's possible that the reader may be enjoying the drama and the idea of two men fighting over her, but she must remember that there are other people involved in this situation. Her lover's children deserve to have a father who is focused on his family, not on her. The advice given is to step back and let him deal with his own problems at home. Only when they are both free from their current relationships should they consider resuming their relationship.

The advice comes from Laura, a counselor and columnist who specializes in sex and relationships. She reminds readers that if they have a dilemma, they can send it to her for expert advice. It's important to consider all parties involved and make decisions that are ultimately in line with one's own values and happiness.

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