Husband attempted to drug wife's Coke to murder her and marry her daughter.

An elderly man in Indiana admitted to drugging his wife's Coke in an attempt to kill her and marry her daughter.

August 27th 2024.

Husband attempted to drug wife's Coke to murder her and marry her daughter.
Alfred Ruf, a 71-year-old man, has been charged with a shocking crime - attempting to poison his wife's Coca-Cola drink with drugs. The motive behind this heinous act? To kill his wife and marry her own daughter. This disturbing incident came to light when Ruf's wife reached out to the authorities in January 2022, after her husband confessed to his sinister plan.

According to state court documents obtained by WXIN, Ruf had been spiking his wife's beverages with drugs, including cocaine and MDMA, at least a dozen times in 2021. His wife had been experiencing various symptoms like headaches, diarrhea, and drowsiness, and had been to the hospital multiple times in a matter of weeks. Upon further investigation, it was revealed that she had unknowingly consumed drugs such as cocaine, MDMA, and benzodiazepines.

Responding to the wife's call, Richmond police officers heard Ruf confess that he had added an unknown substance to his wife's drink, which he claimed her daughter had given to him. The wife then handed over a pill bottle filled with an off-white powder and a Coke can with a similar residue. Ruf eventually admitted that he had been attempting to kill his wife in order to marry her daughter. Shockingly, he even revealed that he had been having sexual intercourse with one of the women while the other stole his wife's possessions, and he had paid them for it.

Ruf claimed that his wife's daughter and a friend had instructed him to put the powder in his wife's drink, wait for her to fall asleep, and then they would go to his Indiana home to "put on a show." He also alleged that the daughter wanted him to get rid of her mother and cash in on her insurance policy so they could get married. Ruf stated that he had confessed to his wife about his actions because he felt guilty.

However, the wife had a different story to tell. She told the authorities that Ruf had confessed to drugging her in order to engage in sexual activities with her daughter and her friend. This shocking revelation led to Ruf being charged with aggravated battery posing a risk of death. He also had a charge of conspiracy to commit murder, but it was later dismissed.

In court on Monday, Ruf pleaded guilty to the charge of aggravated battery and was sentenced to four years behind bars, along with five years of probation. This disturbing incident serves as a reminder that sometimes, the people closest to us can turn out to be the most dangerous.

Just a couple of months before Ruf's case, a similar incident had occurred in Missouri, where a woman had allegedly poisoned her husband's Mountain Dew with weed killer because he did not appreciate her plans for his 50th birthday party. These incidents serve as a warning that we must always be vigilant and cautious of those around us, as we can never be too sure of their intentions.

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