Holiday was spent with nightly casual sex, now feeling ashamed.

The speaker thought they were being open-minded and that the situation was not significant.

September 14th 2024.

Holiday was spent with nightly casual sex, now feeling ashamed.
She was going through a tough time, feeling empty and depressed. Some people believe that the best way to get over one person is to get under another. This week, our Sex Column reader put this theory to the test during a recent holiday. Unfortunately, her boyfriend had just broken up with her right before they were supposed to leave, adding to her already fragile state.

She decided to follow the advice and went on a week-long trip alone. Each night, she slept with a different guy, telling herself that she was just being open-minded and not making a big deal out of it. However, despite her efforts, she returned from the trip feeling even worse than before. The one-night stands did not heal her broken heart like she had hoped.

But before we dive into the advice, make sure to catch up on last week's column about a woman who was blaming herself for her boyfriend's decreasing sex drive.

So, here's the problem. After ending a long-term relationship in July, she had a summer vacation planned with her ex. Despite their shaky relationship, she was looking forward to the trip. She had hoped they could make it work until after the holiday, but he didn't seem to care and broke up with her anyway. She tried to find a replacement travel partner, but it didn't work out, so she decided to go alone.

As someone who had never traveled alone, she was confident that her outgoing personality and looks would make it easy to meet new people. However, it turned out to be more difficult than she thought. Most nights, she found herself alone at bars and ended up going to bed with a different guy each night. She enjoyed the sex, but she wasn't looking for a serious relationship and made that clear to her partners.

After a week, she returned home feeling anything but refreshed and liberated. Instead, she was filled with sadness and shame, something she never expected. She couldn't shake off these feelings.

Now, onto the advice. The counselor reassured her that there was nothing to be ashamed of. Many people would have done the same thing in her situation, and she had some great sexual experiences along the way. Casual sex can be liberating and fun, and it's what she needed at the time.

She reminded the reader that the guys she slept with were not beating themselves up over it. They went on holiday to have a good time, just like she did. However, she did offer a word of caution, suggesting that it's essential to be in control of the situation when in a new place with a new partner. She didn't want to nag, but she wanted to ensure her safety.

Additionally, she encouraged her to visit a sexual health clinic to make sure she was properly protected during her encounters. With all the right checks, she could have peace of mind.

The holiday was a fun experience, and now that it's over, it's time to let go of any regrets. If she wants a more intimate and loving sexual experience, it's more likely to come from a steady relationship. So, she should be patient and keep an eye out for someone special. The counselor, Laura, is always available for expert advice, so don't hesitate to reach out with any sex and dating dilemmas.

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