Hiker falls down mountain, records incident on camera.

A tree prevented a hiker from falling, ultimately saving his life.

September 22nd 2024.

Hiker falls down mountain, records incident on camera.
It was a beautiful day for hiking in the Fanzengjian mountains in China. Yang Meng, a 42-year-old man, was enjoying the scenery and capturing the breathtaking views on his 360-degree camera. Little did he know, his adventure would take a terrifying turn that would leave him reflecting on the fragility of life.

As he walked along the mountain side, Meng suddenly slipped and began to fall. In a matter of seconds, he was tumbling down the steep slope, his screams echoing through the mountains. Frantically, he searched for something, anything, to hold onto, but it was no use. The footage captured on his camera shows the sheer terror on his face as he plummeted towards the ground.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Meng's fall was miraculously broken by a tree, saving his life. He had been hiking with a friend in the Anhui province, which had recently been hit by two powerful typhoons. The treacherous conditions had caused the ground to become slippery, leading to Meng's fall.

In an interview with CNN, Meng recalled the moment he realized he was falling off a cliff. "I couldn't get up at all and was sliding faster and faster," he said. "That's when it hit me - I must be falling off a cliff." He also described the impact of hitting the tree as feeling like a heavy rock crashing down.

Despite the terrifying experience, Meng was lucky to walk away with only minor injuries. In a video posted on social media, he showed some bruising on his leg and a small cut on his thigh. "I guess I came out mostly unscathed," he said. "Other than that, I was fine."

The near-death experience forced Meng to reflect on his life and the importance of cherishing each day. "Life is really short," he shared. "So we need to cherish every day." He also expressed that the incident has only motivated him to continue exploring the world and living life to the fullest.

Meng's video, which was posted on China's version of TikTok, has since gone viral with over 280,000 likes and 445,000 shares. It serves as a reminder to always be cautious and appreciate every moment, as life can change in an instant.

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