He's looking stylish - must be the 'girlfriend effect'.

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October 1st 2023.

He's looking stylish - must be the 'girlfriend effect'.
TikTokers have been talking about the "girlfriend effect" - a phenomenon where being in a relationship can give you a huge glow-up. This idea is expressed through before-and-after pictures, showing how a partner's appearance has changed since entering a relationship.

The trend has been viewed 78.9 million times on TikTok, with many users sharing their own success stories. One user explains that the effect is when "a guy gets a girlfriend and the girlfriend makes him just glow up so hard - makes him look 100 times better."

However, the trend has been subject to valid criticisms. @gabesco, who has been credited for starting the trend, shares that critics say "girlfriends are changing their boyfriends and forcing them into a style that they don't like, taking any sense of their own personality out of their outfits."

But @lifeasolya argues that this isn't the case. They explain that the trend is helpful for those who don't have a specific style to wear. They state that the trend is more about self-expression and helping people to find their own style, rather than forcing a certain look.

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