He regretted his affair with Holden: "It was a mistake."

Painful experience or situation.

November 25th 2023.

He regretted his affair with Holden:
It's hard to believe it's been two decades since Amanda Holden's affair with actor and comedian Neil Morrissey. It's been a long journey since then, and now Neil has recently expressed his regret over the affair.

Back in 2000, Britney Spears was in the charts for the first time, and Amanda and Les Dennis were married. They were both just 22 and 40 at the time, and they had been married five years when the affair happened.

It all began while Amanda and Neil were starring in the BBC's Happy Birthday Shakespeare, when they had a five-week affair. It wasn't long before the news broke in 2002, and a year later, Les and Amanda divorced.

In 2003, Amanda explained the real reason for their divorce: “I terribly want children but I didn’t want to have them with Les. That’s a horribly brutal thing to say, but when you do, you know you have to move on.”

The scandal resurfaced in 2009, when Amanda spoke to The Express about the fallout of the affair. She said: “I found the fall from grace incredibly hard to deal with. I can’t bear not to be liked. I was a prefect at school. I never had a tattoo, got a detention or pierced my ears more than once. Then I had an affair and overnight turned into this awful person.”

Neil apologized for the affair in 2014 on Piers Morgan's Life Stories, saying: “I feel sorry for how emotional Les seemed to become. It was very difficult for him and for that I’m very sorry.”

After the affair, Les and Amanda decided to give it another go, but it didn't work out and they divorced in 2003. Les has since said that he no longer holds any hard feelings towards Amanda. He said: “We’re not in touch but I am happy that she’s happy. I can watch Britain’s Got Talent without getting angry. To be honest it’s like watching a different person. Someone I’ve never met. All the hurt that has happened has been healed.”

Amanda married record producer Chris Hughes in 2008, and they have two daughters, Lexi and Hollie. It's certainly been a long journey for both Amanda and Les since their divorce, but it looks like they've both been able to move on.

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