Guy Venables' cartoon featured in the Metro newspaper every day.

February 6th 2024.

Guy Venables' cartoon featured in the Metro newspaper every day.
Good morning! Are you ready for today's toon? If you're interested in ordering a print, you can click here or give us a call at 0191 6030178. And let me tell you, we have some interesting stories to share with you today.

First up, we have a cautionary tale for all you hard workers out there. It seems that a certain King, known for his workaholic tendencies, has been warned to take it easy during his cancer treatment. It's important to find a balance and not overdo it, especially when it comes to our health.

Next, we have a controversial statement from a rapper who owns XL Bullys, a breed of dog known for their strength and aggression. Unfortunately, these dogs were involved in a tragic incident where they killed someone's grandmother. The rapper has since stated that he believes this breed should be "wiped out." This raises the question of whether or not certain breeds should even exist if they pose a danger to others.

Lastly, we have a fascinating discovery about the ancient Romans. It seems that a recently deciphered script has shed light on what these people spent their time thinking about. From love and family to politics and power, it's amazing to see how similar our thoughts and concerns are to those of our ancestors.

Well, that's all for today's toon. We hope you found these stories as thought-provoking as we did. Thank you for tuning in and we'll see you again soon!

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