A term used to describe a person who uses their status as a victim to manipulate or gain sympathy from others.

Top politicians often use portraying themselves as martyrs for political gain, but when former US President Donald Trump does it, it's on a whole different level.

June 3rd 2024.

A term used to describe a person who uses their status as a victim to manipulate or gain sympathy from others.
It's a common tactic for top politicians around the world to portray themselves as political martyrs when facing legal cases. Sometimes, it works in their favor, but other times it doesn't. However, when former US President Donald Trump plays the victim, it's a whole different game. He has been using his legal battles to not only gain more support but also raise millions of dollars for his electoral campaigns. According to experts, the recent unanimous verdict of the New York jury on 34 counts had a similar effect. Trump was able to raise more funds and gain some support, although it's a tougher task this time around.

It's important to note that Trump is not only the first sitting or former US president to face criminal charges but also the first to be convicted of a felony. The New York state jury found him guilty on all 34 charges related to hush money he paid to adult film actress Stormy Daniels in 2016. He was found to have falsified business records to hide the $130,000 payment, which was meant to cover up a sex scandal that could have harmed his 2016 campaign. For any other politician, this verdict would have been detrimental to their campaign. But for Trump, it seems to have had the opposite effect. He is now running for the White House as a convicted criminal, and instead of feeling ashamed, he seems even more determined to win the election.

This doesn't come as a surprise to Trump's critics, who have noticed that no scandal or shame seems to affect his popularity among his core supporters or fellow Republican politicians. The multiple trials and rulings against him have somehow reinforced his image as a strong and invincible leader, impervious to political controversies. In fact, this latest trial has only helped him raise more funds and energize his base. It seems like he has mastered the art of turning setbacks into advantages. He has once again played the role of a martyr, claiming that the whole country is being rigged against him. He has also announced that he will appeal his "scam" conviction. Furthermore, he is still facing three more criminal cases, including mishandling classified documents and attempting to overturn the 2020 election, but these are not expected to be resolved before election day. This only makes him more bold and confident in proclaiming his innocence.

It's uncertain what will happen next, but one thing is for sure: Trump is not backing down. As soon as the verdict was announced, he tried to intimidate the judges, but that didn't work. He has been telling his supporters that there is a secret plan to bring him down, devised by the "deep state" that wants to get rid of him if he returns to power. This goes against the core principle of the Republican Party, which is supposed to stand for law and order. However, most of his fellow party members have remained silent and have not condemned him for blatantly disrespecting the rule of law.

Nevertheless, the New York trial is proof that the US has a justice system that holds everyone accountable, regardless of their status. It takes courage to publicly scrutinize the actions of a man who tried to make breaking the law a virtue. This is the significance of the verdict. It may not change the minds of Trump's die-hard supporters, but it might make the undecided voters think twice about having a convicted felon as their President.

This is something that other democracies can learn from the US. The strength of a system lies in the strength, fairness, and righteousness of the people behind it.

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