Gus plots to get back at Rhona for ruining his dreams of having a family.

How far will he go to reach his goal?

April 13th 2023.

Gus plots to get back at Rhona for ruining his dreams of having a family.
Gus' visit to Rhona in recent Emmerdale scenes was an intense one, as he desperately pleaded his case for using the embryos they had frozen decades ago. When Rhona refused, Gus resorted to anger and aggression, calling her a control freak and pushing her against a wall. Rhona, terrified, made it very clear that his actions were not acceptable and demanded he leave. Fortunately, Rhona was able to recount the events to Marlon later in the day, and it seemed Gus had received the message. However, with him watching her from his car, it's uncertain what his next move will be. Will he take a sinister revenge, or can Rhona maintain her stance?

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