Girl's dad says she's happy again after October 7 kidnapping.

Emily's father reported that she is back to her lively and spirited self, and has regained her smile.

October 7th 2024.

Girl's dad says she's happy again after October 7 kidnapping.
Emily, a bright and lively nine-year-old girl, was enjoying a sleepover with her friends at Kibbutz Be-eri when something unimaginable happened. She was kidnapped and taken hostage by Hamas during their incursion into Israel on October 7. As if that wasn't enough, she also turned nine years old while enduring 50 days of captivity. It was a harrowing experience for her and her family, and at first, they believed she had been killed by Hamas. Emily's father, Thomas Hand, even expressed relief at the thought of her passing rather than facing the horrors of being kidnapped.

However, against all odds, Emily survived her ordeal and was finally reunited with her father after 50 long days. But the trauma she had gone through left her mute and unable to speak about her experience. A year later, her father Thomas shared with The Sun that Emily is back to being her noisy and boisterous self, and most importantly, she is smiling again. It's a testament to her strength and resilience that she was able to overcome such a traumatic experience.

Thomas also shared that Emily still struggles with fear and nightmares, but counseling has helped her cope and things are getting better. She will be turning ten on October 17, and her father plans to make it a birthday to remember after spending her last one in such a terrifying situation.

Speaking of her ordeal, Thomas revealed that Emily was not kept in tunnels under Gaza as many had feared, but instead, Hamas made her run from house to house, trying to escape the Israeli army. She was ordered to remain silent throughout the entire ordeal, and even after her release, she could only speak in whispers. It's unimaginable to think of an eight-year-old girl being caught in the middle of a war zone, running for her life and being led by strangers.

Fortunately, after 50 days of being separated from her family, Emily was reunited with her older sister Natali and her beloved dog. Her father had made heartfelt pleas for her safe return, and finally, they were able to embrace each other again. But while Emily was safe, another mother shared the nightmare she has been living in since her daughter was also kidnapped by Hamas on the same day.

Mandy Damari, the mother of Emily Damari, described her life as a nightmare since her daughter's capture almost a year ago. The militant group has held her daughter captive for 364 days, and according to reports, she was shot in the hand and her dog was killed during the kidnapping. She was taken away in her car and is believed to be held in a Hamas tunnel.

The families of both Emily and Emily Damari have gone through unimaginable pain and fear, but they continue to hope and pray for their safe return. As we follow their story, let's keep them in our thoughts and prayers, and hope for their safe return to their families.

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