Hunter Biden's gun trial reveals family connections used as ammunition against him.

Summary: Important points from the first week of the Hunter Biden gun trial.

June 8th 2024.

Hunter Biden's gun trial reveals family connections used as ammunition against him.
The courtroom in Wilmington, Delaware has been the center of attention as Hunter Biden's trial on gun charges, brought by his father's Justice Department, has revealed shocking and embarrassing details about the president's son. As first lady Jill Biden sat in the courtroom, prosecutors presented evidence of Hunter's drug use, including pictures of him with drug paraphernalia and text messages with drug dealers. Even Hunter's exes took the stand to testify about how his addiction destroyed their relationships.

Throughout the week, members of the Biden family showed up to support Hunter, including Jill Biden, Hunter's sister Ashley, the president's sister Valerie Biden, and Jill's sister Bonny Jacobs. Jill has been present for most of the trial, only missing one day to attend D-Day anniversary events in France with the president. She even took the time to speak briefly with Hunter during breaks, showing her support for him despite the difficult circumstances.

While Hunter has not taken the stand, his own words have been brought to light through his memoir "Beautiful Things." In it, he opens up about his struggles with crack cocaine addiction and his attempts to get sober. Jurors have heard excerpts from the book, including Hunter's descriptions of driving to a treatment center and seeing a hallucination of a barn owl, as well as accidentally leaving his late brother's attorney general badge and a Secret Service business card in a rental car.

Three of Hunter's exes also took the stand, including his ex-wife Kathleen Buhle and his brother's widow Hallie. They both testified about finding evidence of his drug use, with Hallie even admitting to using drugs herself during their relationship. The third woman, Zoe Kestan, described meeting Hunter at a strip club and witnessing his drug use first hand. Prosecutors also presented personal photos from her phone of Hunter sleeping, in a bubble bath, and unclothed.

The defense has argued that the prosecution has not provided enough evidence to prove that Hunter was using drugs at the time he bought the gun. They claim that it was only after the gun was thrown away and the stress of the trial began that Hunter may have relapsed. They have also questioned the witnesses' memories and raised other possible explanations for the large cash withdrawals that the prosecution has presented as evidence of drug use.

On Friday, the defense called Hunter's daughter Naomi to the stand, who testified about visiting her father in rehab and telling him she was proud of him. This testimony seemed to suggest that Hunter was making progress with his addiction before the gun purchase. However, prosecutors countered by questioning Naomi about details she witnessed of her father's drug use and emotional texts between them.

The defense has not ruled out calling one more witness, but it is unclear who that could be. They had previously mentioned Joe Biden's brother, James, as a possible witness. However, calling other family members to the stand may also result in the introduction of more personal messages and details, making the trial even more uncomfortable for the Biden family.

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