Getting rejected on Dragons' Den was a blessing in disguise as it led to making a lot of money.

The dragons were unable to comprehend her vision.

September 10th 2024.

Getting rejected on Dragons' Den was a blessing in disguise as it led to making a lot of money.
Lee Dein was a little worried about the dragons' reaction when she appeared on Dragons' Den to pitch her education business. However, when she received five nos from the panel, she actually felt relieved. Lee's business, Magic Link Handwriting, offers online courses to help children improve their handwriting. Despite not receiving any investment from the dragons, Lee remained optimistic and determined to continue growing her company.

In an interview with The Agency, Lee shared that the rejection from the dragons did not dampen her spirits. As a speech and language therapist and dyslexia teacher, she understood the importance of perseverance and fighting harder when faced with obstacles. Lee even revealed that she was secretly relieved to not receive any investment, as she feared the entrepreneurs would interfere with her vision for Magic Link Handwriting.

Lee explained, "As an entrepreneur, you have a clear vision and drive, so having someone take over and guide you in a different direction would have been difficult for me." Sticking to her guns, Lee continued to expand her business on her own terms. Today, Magic Link Handwriting is worth five figures and provides generous salaries to its teachers. Lee modestly shared, "It's a really good turnover and it's good for me and my teachers. Some of them earn between £1,000 to £2,000 per week."

All five dragons rejected the opportunity to invest in Magic Link Handwriting, but Lee remained determined to prove them wrong. She described her business as "life-changing" for children, and it's no surprise considering the success it has achieved. Lee expressed her desire to meet the dragons again, as she has not seen them since the show ended. She said, "My plan is to eventually approach them. I still have a way to contact them through the BBC. When I'm ready, I will do a feature about proving them wrong."

Lee's journey on Dragons' Den started on a whim when she applied after feeling a bit bored on a Saturday night and having a few glasses of wine. She was surprised when she received the call inviting her to appear on the show. The experience was a bit nerve-wracking for Lee, as she didn't find out the outcome of her pitch until three months later, after a second round of filming.

When asked why she thought the dragons declined to invest in Magic Link Handwriting, Lee replied, "They didn't see the potential in my business. Maybe they didn't share the same vision as me." Lee believes that education is not the dragons' area of expertise, as they tend to invest in industries like perfume, clothing, and technology.

Looking towards the future, Lee hopes to expand her franchise to more locations across the UK and internationally. She shared, "It's so life-changing for children and I've had such amazing feedback. The approach is simple and logical." Dragons' Den is available to stream on BBC iPlayer. If you have a celebrity story or any tips for the entertainment team, you can get in touch through email, phone, or by visiting our Submit Stuff page. We would love to hear from you.

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