Get the facts on the shortest day in Australia, known as the winter solstice.

Today marks the winter solstice in Australia. What is its significance and what can we expect?

June 21st 2024.

Get the facts on the shortest day in Australia, known as the winter solstice.
Today marks the winter solstice in Australia, which means we are experiencing the shortest day and longest night of the year. This is a significant event as it symbolizes the moment when either the southern or northern hemisphere is tilted farthest away from the sun. This occurs once a year in each hemisphere, with the northern hemisphere's winter solstice taking place in late December and the southern hemisphere's in late June.

For those of us in the southern hemisphere, the winter solstice began at 6:51 am AEST today. This event has significant implications for our daily lives, so here's what you need to know about it. First and foremost, you may be wondering when the sun will rise and set on this day. Well, it varies depending on where you are located. In Sydney, the sun will rise at 7 am and set at 4:53 pm. In Melbourne, the sunrise is at 7:35 am and the sunset is at 5:08 pm. In Adelaide, the sun will rise at 7:23 am and set at 5:11 pm. Hobart will see the sunrise at 7:42 am and the sunset at 4:42 pm. Brisbane will experience the sunrise at 6:37 am and the sunset at 5:01 pm. And for those in Perth, the sun will rise at 7:16 am and set at 5:20 pm. Lastly, in Darwin, the sunrise is at 7:06 am and the sunset is at 6:30 pm. As you can see, the length of the day on the winter solstice varies depending on your location.

So, how is the winter solstice celebrated in Australia? Well, many communities across the country are holding events such as bonfires and lantern parades. These events are a great way for people to come together and celebrate this significant event. However, not everyone is able to attend these festivities. Spare a thought for the brave souls stationed in Antarctica at the Davis research station. They continue a tradition of swimming in the frigid waters, which are no warmer than -2 degrees, to mark the winter solstice. These fearless swimmers make an entrance through a hole cut out by a chainsaw from the thick ice.

After the winter solstice, we can start to look forward to longer days and shorter nights. This trend will continue for the next six months until we reach the summer solstice in late December. This will mark Australia's longest day and shortest night of the year. So, while we are currently experiencing the shortest day of the year, we can take comfort in knowing that the days will gradually become longer from here on out.

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