Get ready for the week ahead with your tarot horoscope reading for July 1-7.

Prepare for the upcoming week.

June 30th 2024.

Get ready for the week ahead with your tarot horoscope reading for July 1-7.
Are you ready for the upcoming week? It's going to be quite eventful, cosmically speaking! Mercury is moving into the fiery sign of Leo, Neptune is going into retrograde until December, and there will be a powerful New Moon in the sensitive sign of Cancer. It may seem overwhelming, but don't worry, we can turn to the tarot for guidance. Let's pull a card and see what really matters to us right now, what should be our priority, and what can be our guiding light through all the chaos and confusion.

Aries (March 21 - April 20), this week may bring some big decisions for you. The card pulled for you is The Lovers, which speaks of temptation, distraction, and head vs heart choices. Your greatest enemy right now is boredom, as it may lead you down some dangerous paths. So before you make any impulsive decisions, really think them through and be prepared to take responsibility for the consequences. If you need more guidance, head over to our Aries guide for everything you need to know about being one.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21), you are on fire this week! The card pulled for you is The Magician, which represents creativity, motivation, and being in control of your own destiny. You are not easily affected by the emotional turmoil going on around you, and you should use this energy to come up with new ideas and make things happen. Don't let the cosmic turmoil distract you, use it as fuel for your creativity. For more insights, check out our Taurus guide.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21), you have a keen sense for change and this week, it's important to stay alert. The card pulled for you is the Three of Wands, which urges you to be on the lookout for any changes or opportunities heading your way. You have the ability to sense them before anyone else, so use this to your advantage. Stay ahead of the curve and be proactive. For more information about being a Gemini, check out our guide.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23), it's time to think about where you want to go in life. The card pulled for you is The Chariot, which is your sign's talisman card. This week, travel or a change in location may be on the horizon. This journey is of great importance for your personal development and life purpose. Trust your intuition and be open to any opportunities that come your way. Need more insights? Head over to our Cancer guide.

Leo (July 24 - August 23), this week may bring some confusion and sensitivity for you. The card pulled for you is the Page of Swords, which advises you to be bold, decisive, and positive. Don't overthink things, just say yes to any opportunities that come your way. Get involved and don't be afraid to take risks. You'll figure it out as you go. For more information about being a Leo, check out our guide.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23), it's important to balance work and play this week. The card pulled for you is the Three of Cups, which reminds you to reward yourself and have some fun. You are always on top of things, but don't forget to relax and make space for friends and leisure activities. Make some special plans this week and create good memories. Need more insights? Head over to our Virgo guide.
Are you ready for the upcoming week? It's going to be a busy one, cosmically speaking! Mercury is moving into Leo, Neptune is going into retrograde until December, and there's a New Moon in Cancer. It's a lot to take in, so where do we even begin? Let's pull a tarot card to help us navigate through this chaotic energy. What truly matters right now? What should be our main focus? What will guide us through the confusion and uncertainty? Let the tarot provide some insight.

Aries, from March 21 to April 20, can you handle the consequences of the decisions you make this week? The Lovers card is drawn for you, which represents temptation, distraction, and making choices between the head and the heart. While it may be tempting to follow your desires, think carefully before acting on them to avoid any regrets later on. Remember, you are in control of your actions and must be prepared to take responsibility for them.

Moving on to Taurus, from April 21 to May 21, you're on fire right now! The Magician card is drawn for you, indicating a time of creativity, motivation, and feeling free. Use this energy to come up with new ideas, proposals, and inventions. The cosmic turmoil may add some drama, but it also fuels your drive. So, stay busy and make things happen!

Gemini, from May 22 to June 21, keep your ears open as change is in the air. The Three of Wands card is drawn for you, representing your ability to sense and capitalize on change before anyone else. Stay vigilant and be proactive in making the most out of any opportunities that come your way.

For Cancer, from June 22 to July 23, where do you want to go? The Chariot card, your sign's talisman, appears, signifying a powerful week for personal growth and life purpose. Travel and location change may be on the horizon, so keep an eye out for opportunities that align with your mission. Don't overthink it, just make a move and trust that it will lead you to success.

Leo, from July 24 to August 23, the Page of Swords is drawn for you this week. You may be feeling sensitive and unsure about what to do in the midst of all the chaos and potential risks. But don't let that hold you back. Be bold, decisive and say "yes" to new opportunities that come your way. Trust that you can figure things out as you go.

Virgo, from August 24 to September 23, it's time to let your carefree side shine through. The Three of Cups card is drawn for you, reminding you to take a break and have some fun. You are naturally great at handling responsibilities, but don't forget to make time for yourself and enjoy some leisure activities. Balance work with play to create happy memories.

In conclusion, the upcoming week may be hectic and unpredictable, but the tarot cards are here to guide us through it. Keep an open mind, stay alert for opportunities, and remember to take care of yourself amidst all the chaos. Let's tackle this new week together!

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